The sims medieval angel bush. On the eve of the plague

Features and capabilities of the doctor in " Sims Medieval».

Doctor is the only character who fights various diseases, infections and wounds. By creating and using various ointments and tinctures, a healer can heal each patient and defeat any disease. He spends every day at the operating table saving lives. And, by the way, he makes good money selling ointments and potions.

Hero: doctor.
Building: hospital.
Significant objects: archive, desktop, operating table.
Kingdom indicators: well-being.
Special abilities: creating potions and ointments, examining, performing operations, collecting herbs and leeches, cleaning wells.
Clue: As a healer's level increases, they become more effective at using bloodletting and anesthesia.
Earns money: selling ointments and potions, collected herbs and leeches, healing sick and wounded characters on the operating table.

Healer Level Table

Level Title Required Experience Points Daily income New opportunities
1 Bloodletter - 29 Collection of various herbs
Examination of characters, treatment of wounds, treatment of diseases
Making ointments and potions: weak ointment, weak healing balm
Well cleaning
2 Bloodletter 1 000 34
3 Bloodletter 2 200 42 Higher chance of effective treatment
4 Bloodletter 3 600 54 Higher chance of effective treatment
5 Surgeon 5 200 72 New options on the operating table: give a strong painkiller, apply a lot of leeches
Higher chance of effective treatment
New recipes on the desktop: “Don’t Drink Me” potion, strong ointment, strong healing balm.
6 Surgeon 7 000 100
7 Surgeon 9 000 145 High probability of effective treatment
8 Surgeon 11 200 217
9 Surgeon 13 600 336 Very high probability of effective treatment
10 Doctor 16 200 537 Treatment is most effective
New recipe on the desktop: Sleeping Potion


Probably the most difficult, but terribly interesting activity of a doctor is performing operations. First you need to prepare: find leeches and herbs (small root, eagle tree, wormwood, noblewort), put them in your luggage or on the operating table (“Add ingredients”). When a patient appears, one or both of these actions will be available on the operating table: "Treat Sick Character" or "Treat Injured Character".

To treat a sick character, we will need leeches and medicine. When the patient lies down on the table, two indicators will appear: the blood level and the number of leeches in the doctor’s luggage.

If the blood count is much higher than the gold mark (optimal blood count), “Bleeding” must be performed. Using leeches (action “Apply one/several/many leeches”), try to reduce the blood level to the gold level, then feel free to give the patient medicine (action “Give medicine to the character”). If the treatment is effective, a message will appear indicating that the character has been cured. Otherwise, you will be informed that the character is not fully healed, and then you will have to repeat the treatment.

With injured characters, things are a little different. When treating injured patients, two indicators will appear in the upper left corner: the character's pain level and the number of herbs in the healer's luggage (they are used as painkillers).

If the pain level is above the gold level, the healer must “Give a mild/medium/strong painkiller” to the character. Having reduced the pain to the optimal level, we can perform surgery. Try not to reduce the character's blood or pain indicator below the optimal value, this may cause him to lose consciousness.

Fast treatment

The fastest way to help a patient get on the path to recovery is to give him an ointment, balm or other drug. To create any of the medicines, you must have the ingredients in your luggage, otherwise the item will not be available.

The success of creation depends on mood and concentration. A doctor can create a drug of either ordinary or excellent quality, and the price changes with the quality. Below is a list of all medicines, the necessary ingredients for it and the cost, depending on the quality (regular/excellent):

Medicine prescriptions

Icon Medicine Ingredients Compound Price
Weak ointment bloodmoss – 3 pcs.
multicolor – 1 pc.
small root – 2 pcs.
Weak healing balm dense herbs – 3 pcs.
multicolor – 2 pcs.
small root – 1 pc.
Medium strength ointment noble - 1 pc.
bloodmoss – 3 pcs.
multicolor – 1 pc.
small root – 2 pcs.
Strong ointment angel bush – 1 pc.
bloodmoss – 2 pcs.
noble - 4 pcs.
boldroot – 3 pcs.
Strong healing balm angel bush – 1 pc.
noble - 2 pcs.
dense herbs – 3 pcs.
multicolor – 2 pcs.
boldroot – 3 pcs.
Sleeping potion belladonna – 3 pcs.
dense herbs – 4 pcs.
nightshade – 2 pcs.
multicolor – 1 pc.
Potion "Don't drink me" bloodmoss – 3 pcs.
eagle tree – 1 pc.
wormwood – 2 pcs.

First aid

There are three special types of interaction between the healer and other characters: “Inspect”, “Provide first aid”, “Prescribe treatment” (the latter is available when the healer has ointments, balms and potions in his luggage).

  " Inspect»
This action allows you to determine whether the prospective patient is sick or in good health. The higher the level of the doctor, the greater the chance of making an accurate diagnosis.
  " Prescribe treatment»
Having made a diagnosis, you can order the character to take this or that medicine, or to smear himself with this or that ointment. To treat illnesses, you can use healing balms, to treat a hangover - the “Don't drink me” potion, to treat insomnia - a sleeping potion, and to treat wounds - ointments.
  " Perform a first aid»
It will have a beneficial effect on the patient who has received a wound. First aid consists of applying, or rather, unexpectedly throwing leeches onto the character’s face.

Once upon a time, I read a belief in a magazine: “If you approach a blooming mock orange bush before dawn, you will see angels flying over it.”

Since then, I certainly try to wake up before sunrise at least once during the flowering of my wonderful bushes, and go up to the wonderful angelic bushes, admire the flowers and breathe in the wonderful aroma.
In our country, mock orange is mistakenly called jasmine, due to the similarity of the aroma, but these shrubs have nothing in common.

My mock orange bushes came to me along with the estate, albeit in a very overgrown state. I had to clear them for several years in a row, both in early spring and after flowering, since I was very afraid to trim a lot at once, so as not to lose the bushes. Since at first there was no experience in pruning mock orange, one bush was left uncut. And they really regretted it. Untrimmed bushes bloom very sparingly. And the year turned out to be lost. But we don’t make that mistake anymore.
My bushes are planted in full sun, so the flowering is simply excellent. The bushes appear to be covered with white piles of snow. However, too heat does not have a very favorable effect on flowering. The hotter it is, the shorter the pleasure from the excellent fragrance.

Heroes: Doctor, minor - Dealer.

Trophies: depending on the quest completion level.

A stream of refugees poured into the kingdom, and with them came rumors about terrible disease, which struck the peasants. Under threat of a terrible epidemic Doctor becomes the last line of defense and the only hope for salvation in the face of doom.

While rumors are just rumors and nothing more, you need to stock up on medications and begin the first preparations.

The merchant decides to check product And visit the hospital, asking a couple of people along the way to find out last news.

Meanwhile Doctorb tidies up the hospital and sweeps floor(for the hero to sweep the floor, you need to click on him and select the appropriate command).

From the latest news, it becomes clear that the infection is rampant in the suburbs, and a large number of sick people are waiting in the kingdom’s hospital.
We examine three patients and learn from their complaints that the infection has reached the kingdom itself - you need to conduct an examination to confirm your fears (click on the patient and select the command Doctor - Inspect).

While the merchant requests supplies from the Brother of Mercy (medical assistant), you need to prepare 2 servings of a strong healing balm and 2 servings of a strong healing ointment.
It will most likely not be possible to make medicine quickly, because... The ingredients of the drugs are rare, especially *Angel bush .

Most of the herbs you need are easy to find, but I’ll tell you how to find the Angel Bush:
1 - place behind the Tavern. Even if you have not built it yet, the approximate location can be seen in the picture.

2 - there is another bush in the corner where the training camp and kingball court are located (see picture)

3 - on the road to the forest (see picture)

As soon as you get the herbs, start preparing medicine: click on the doctor’s desktop, select “Create item” and the desired medicine from the list (if the line is not available, it means that something is missing to create this item).

The Merchant will also ask the Doctor for more medicines, to reassure the public, but there are much more important matters.
We consult with the Brother of Mercy and find out about new patients who need inspect.

The examination gives an ambiguous result - you need to try giving one of the medications to the patient. Click on the patient, select the command Doctor - Prescribe treatment and in the window select one of the two.

The medicine does not give a positive result, we turn to the Merchant for help:

While the Merchant is looking for a new patient and sends him to the hospital, the Doctor needs to study new symptoms (click on Archive and select Explore symptoms).

The merchant will also need write sales letters neighbors. This can be done at a desk, for example in the throne room, - and then send letters by mail.

We'll have to wait for a response from the neighbors. During this time, the Doctor needs inspect new patient, and then try to cure him with bloodletting (click on the operating table - Treat a sick character and select our patient). Just remember that for this procedure you will need leeches, which can be caught in bodies of water. Leeches will not help, so you will need to take the patient’s blood for analysis (click on the character and select the Healer menu - Perform bloodletting)

Next, we sit down at the desk (you can do it there, in the throne room, to save time) to develop a medical formula for a new drug: click on the table - Make a medical formula. Afterwards you will need to create 1 prototype antiviral drug. We prescribe the drug to the patient (click on the character - Prescribe a prototype antiviral drug), but after it the patient will die, alas...

During this time, the first answer from Bogaton may already come - they did not have the plague, and they know nothing about it. Therefore, the merchant decides to find out the situation in the village and talk with the refugees.

The merchant asks the refugees for their opinion about where the disease came from, but all their guesses are too incredible, so we are waiting for a response to the second letter. In the meantime, the Merchant can help the Doctor find and question a new patient who tells us about the baker - here's a new suspect! We ask baker and then we persuade go to the doctor (either through bribery or persuasion - the second is more profitable and does not require spending the hero’s money).

Bad news comes from Masterland, where there was a plague - the cause was wheat.

The merchant needs to get 10 bags wheat to exchange them in Masterland for infected grain. You can buy grain at Village shop, and then go to Masterland by ship (click on the ship and select the command “Sail for grain”).

In the meantime, all suspicions are removed from the baker (it will be necessary to perform bloodletting, i.e., take the patient’s blood for analysis, as we did earlier). And the Merchant has already obtained infected grain. He can give it to the Doctor and go burn the remains of contaminated grain in the Village.

During this time, the Doctor can have time to prepare 2 servings of a strong antiviral medicine and prescribe it to the patient

The new medicine will give positive results! All that remains is to clean the well with the resulting medicine: click on the well and select " Give an antidote", and then choose a medicine.

And so - the source of the disease was cleansed by fire, and the epidemic left the kingdom!
Congratulations, you have saved your kingdom from the plague!