How to break a love triangle? How to get out of a love triangle? How to get out of a love triangle psychologist's advice

Many, because this is one of the most popular topics in cinema, literature, music and theater. But watching events and participating in them are two big differences. In this article, we will learn what to do if you find yourself in a love triangle, and how to break it.

Types of romantic relationships

Such a familiar term "love triangle" may have several different values. Participants in it can be both married couples and those who are just starting to build relationships. For example, a girl cannot decide on a guy, so she meets two at once. In any case, there are three people involved in the relationship, and it doesn't matter if they know about it. If a love triangle occurs in a married couple, then adultery will definitely take place here.

Why does a person decide to cheat

Of course, everyone who has ever cheated on his soulmate has his own opinion on this matter. However, in general, the overall picture is quite universal. Before you understand how to break the love triangle, you should definitely think about why you decided on adultery.

Love is a fire that must be maintained. If it fades away, a person wants to feel it again and for this he steps on the slippery path of betrayal. In fact, it is not always possible to restore former passion and improve relationships, and everyone succeeds. Each spouse accumulates resentment, anger, and this prevents them from building love and warm again. Of course, having an affair on the side is much easier than solving family problems. But on the other hand, if you start cheating on your soulmate, she will definitely feel it and there will be much more quarrels.

This is how love triangles are born. There are a lot of types and reasons for such relationships. There are, for example, men who believe that two girls are absolutely normal. So, one of them should perform the function of a wife: clean, cook, create family comfort and warmth. But the second - the mistress will entertain and satisfy all his secret desires. Some girls also believe that the husband and lover are not one. Let one earn money, and the second entertains her.

Every situation that happens in your life has both positives and negatives. negative sides. For those who cheat, this is a way to take a break from family routine, to feel like a happy and free person. On the other hand, relationships on the side rarely end in marriage. Most often, it is very beneficial to use a person and at the same time not be obliged to him for anything. In addition, cheating is very exhausting. At one fine moment, a person gets tired of lying and hiding, but he cannot do anything about it.

Husband is cheating on his wife

Not without reason there is an opinion that all men are polygamous. They love to feel important and loved. When for some reason the wife fails to pay enough attention to her beloved, he goes in search of bright and passionate sensations and, as a rule, finds them. Quite often, husbands begin to cheat on their wives during pregnancy and the first year of a child's life. During this time, they get into the taste so much that they simply can’t stop. You need to understand that by such an act a man hurts not only his legal wife, but also the psyche of the child. Children see and understand everything even more than it seems to adults. Everything that the baby sees and hears in early age, deposited in his unconscious memory. So, girls, growing up, are looking for a husband who looks like a father. And if he cheated on his mother, then she is already consciously ready to experience the same. The father should think, but would he like his daughter's husband to cheat?

If you are in the role of a mistress

In search of a life partner, we very often come across those who are already busy, but for some reason we still do not stop communicating with them. Sooner or later, this friendship develops into something more. Be honest with yourself: you hope that sooner or later he will leave his wife and be yours. Even if you lie to your acquaintances and friends that you are just fine together, somewhere in the depths of your soul there is certainly a desire to beat off your lover. Look at the situation from the other side. Is it possible to fully trust a man who cheats on his wife? Where is the likelihood that if he becomes your lawful husband, the same thing will not happen? If you are already starting to think about how to break the love triangle for your mistress, then this is already a great start.

If you are a lover

They say that girls are the most insidious creatures. Dealing with a married lady is a very risky business. First of all, it is worth noting that girls cheat on their husbands much less often. If it does happen, then there are reasons for it. And one, the most basic, is revenge. The fact is that for most women, love is a sincere and very tender feeling. If she does not love, she just leaves, but does not change. But if you are still lucky enough to spend a few nights with a married lady, then perhaps she is simply taking revenge on her lawful spouse, but is she using you? The reason for the emergence of a love triangle may also be the fact that thanks to you, the girl raises her self-esteem. Some ladies tend to believe that if not only her husband wants her, then she is still worth something.

If you find out that you are being cheated on

In a love triangle, the worst thing is the one who does not participate in adultery. It hurts enough to find out that the person you love is cheating on you. Unfortunately, it is because of love triangles that many families collapse. It's not easy to get through this. But sometimes, for one reason or another, people tend to put up with treason. A real storm can rage inside a person, but he will be silent so as not to completely destroy the family. The only thing that needs to be learned from this situation is that both partners are to blame for the fact that a love triangle has arisen. The psychology of the cause distinguishes the following:

  • lack of attention to a partner,
  • constant quarrels and insults,
  • loss of self.

All this can lead to the appearance of a triangle. In this situation, there are two ways out: either hope that the betrayals will ever end, or leave.

Interesting fact that the percentage of betrayals is higher where the wife does not work, but sits at home. The thing is that, taking on the role of a housewife, the girl forgets that she is a lady. Her interests are reduced to watching a series or a cooking show. She happily chats with her friends in in social networks discussing an interesting design in the living room. Behind all this, the girl forgets about her lover. Yes, she cooks and cleans, but caring for her beloved man should not end there. The spouse simply becomes bored, he does not know what to talk about with his beloved now, and quickly solves this situation, finding himself another interlocutor. If you want to save your family and are ready to forgive betrayal, then, first of all, changes should start with yourself.

Why is it so difficult

The situation with a love triangle is usually difficult for everyone. But women suffer the most. Firstly, men cheat more often, and secondly, even if a girl is tempted to adultery, it will not last long.

If it is difficult for you to break the love triangle, then think again, are they giving you? Do you feel like a truly happy person? How are the other members of the love triangle feeling? "How to get out of it?" - this question will definitely visit you. So, the first and most important task is to be aware of everything that is happening in your life. It is equally important to understand that something needs to be changed and this cannot continue.

What to do

If you have firmly decided that such a relationship does not suit you, then you need to say goodbye to them. If you yourself are the creator of the love triangle, then you have to choose who to stay with. Of course, this choice will not be easy, but you need to carefully consider everything.

Very often, people who decide to break the love triangle prefer to be left alone. In general, this is a very correct and wise decision. This allows you to take a sober look at the situation, analyze the past and make plans for the future. Although in any case, you will have a serious conversation with your partners.

What keeps you from leaving

Very often, love triangles are backed up not only by feelings, but also by financial side. Every trio is different. Most often, you can find a situation where a rich husband contains both his wife and his mistress, and they dutifully remain silent. Getting out of such a triangle is not so easy, because you will lose the financial flow. In this case, to begin with, every effort should be made to become independent and independent. As long as you have the financial ability, you can complete courses in any specialty and go to work. Then it will be much easier for you to break the love triangle.

Men are very smart and cunning creatures. They know perfectly well that if a girl depends on him, she will not leave and endure everything. It is for this reason that many of the males acquire mistresses. The situation can and should be changed. Become interesting for yourself, find something to your liking, believe in your strengths and capabilities. A man will never look in the direction of another if you are self-sufficient.

Summing up, we can say that the love triangle is a very common type. romantic relationship, which still needs to be removed. This can be done in several ways, and the choice depends only on the specific situation. If you cannot decide to break up with your loved one, then you still do not see all the shortcomings of such a relationship. In any case, each person has the right to manage his own life. Discard the opinions of friends, relatives and fashion magazines and listen to your heart.

A love triangle is an enduring sexual or emotional attachment between two people, one of whom is in a committed relationship with the other person.

In this article, we will look at how to get out of a love triangle and what to do if you get into it. Although it may start with a casual, short-term bond between two people, the term usually refers to more complex relationships. This situation is one of the most difficult psychological problems, as well as one of the most common.

The first thing to do to determine your chances in a love triangle is to determine your place in it.

There are two main forms:

"Rivalry", where you are one of two people fighting for the love of the third.
"Shared Feeling" where you are a person whose affection is divided between two lovers.

From the point of view of the psychology of relationships, attachment in the case of a shared feeling can be imaginary.

This happens when a person imagines they are in love with a partner they have never met or idealizes someone from their past.

Perhaps initially you did not have a role and you are a victim of betrayal by another person. But even if this is the case, if you decide to try to stay in a relationship with a cheater, you will have to agree to one of the roles. It is important to be aware of this.


The way out of the love triangle in any case begins with an open and honest behavior on your part. While being honest can be very difficult, it is recommended by most psychologists.

Lack of honesty in a relationship can be destructive and harmful to everyone in the triangle, including yourself.


All similar relationship serve a purpose in life, even if it is not a healthy (wrong) purpose. It is important to determine what exactly a love triangle means for you in terms of psychology. For example, does it give you the attention you want, or does it distract you from any other problems in your life?

Professional counseling can help you understand exactly how the love triangle is exploiting your psychological needs.

Common reasons why you might fall into a love triangle:

  1. When a person chooses to continue a "feeling divided" relationship, it can create an illusion of security, a pseudo guarantee that you won't be left alone.
  2. Sometimes such situations allow a person to realize himself in the sexual or emotional sphere, if he physically cannot do this with one partner. No one wants to be forced to make excuses for something that a person cannot do without.
  3. Voluntary participation in the rival triangle prevents the development of genuine intimacy, since such relationships are fueled by emotional intensity, not trust.
  4. Sometimes the fact of infidelity can cause unexpected sexual arousal. Of course, this is not always the case, but it does happen. Realizing this is also very important in order to be as honest with yourself as possible about your role.

If you are not the initiator of the love triangle, it will be very difficult not to feel like a victim. However, to remain in such a psychological position is dangerous. Victims often evaluate situations in terms of "right" and "wrong." For example:

  • It's not right that she flirted with him when she knew we were married.
  • Right. He must understand that I am tired because of the children and my work schedule, so I cannot give him enough attention!

The reasons for this kind of thinking can be very good, but you need to try to put them aside and start thinking about how to live now. Focus all your attention on the future and your place in it.

Remember that you shouldn't stay, but you shouldn't leave either. It is necessary to act in accordance with the understanding of what is best for you, and not someone else.

Only full awareness of your desires will allow you to emerge from the situation as a winner.

Sometimes a person cannot simply leave due to lack of financial security, cultural taboos, lack of social support, or other reasons. Common children and mortgages can prevent a wife from getting out of a love triangle, like an undisguised financial rear to a mistress. If you can still do it, then this is the best option.

Leaving is the easiest option than staying and trying to figure out all the vicissitudes of the love triangle.

If you are being emotionally, sexually, or physically abused, seek help from a close friend, a doctor, a crisis center, a counseling center, or a court. If there is danger, contact the local police.

Take charge

To get out of a love triangle, the psychologist's basic advice would be to accept responsibility for any of your choices - to stay or leave. But no matter what was chosen in the end, you can’t feel guilty. This is your choice for this moment.

You can try to stay in a love triangle if non-traditional relationship types such as polyamory can be accepted by all sides of the process. In general, such non-monogamy is a valid option.


If you decide to leave or stay, remember that this is a choice you made yourself, not one that is forced. While finding yourself in a love triangle may not have been your choice, you control how you react to it.

The last thing to do in order to finally get out of the love triangle is to try to move as far as possible. Parting with a married woman or a married man is likely to be painful. But while it will be difficult to accept that the relationship is over, this pain will not last forever. Focus all your attention on the future and move forward.

Penetration into the union of two close people geometric figure called love triangle is not an accident. Rather, it is a pattern that follows from a relationship that has cracked.

Under this concept, it is customary to understand the situation when one of the spouses has a relationship on the side, i.e. a lover or mistress appears.

Often this problem arises as a result of complications in relationships: frequent quarrels, mutual reproaches, distrust and bouts of jealousy crack and one of the spouses begins to look for a new partner who can give lost feelings and sensations.

Most often, such a person is at work, where most of the time is spent and where it is possible to communicate during the day. A strong close relationship develops with a new person, but the changing party is in no hurry to break the marriage bond.

The basis of the love triangle is the inability to make a choice.

The reasons may be different: fear, indecision, but the main thing is the fact of spoiled lives of at least two people.

Love triangles are usually divided into two types:

  1. When two people seek to win the love of a third.
  2. When one person is in love with another, and he, in turn, loves a third.


Husband, wife and lover

Husband, wife and lover is a classic triangle. This situation is easier to consider from the perspective of each participant.

The woman in this model does not intend to harm her husband. Her aspirations are directed at herself: she wants to be desired and necessary.

She wants to feel like that woman again, whom her husband has not seen in her for a long time. A woman, deprived of her husband's attention, easily surrenders to feelings on the side.

For her, meeting with her lover is a kind of outlet, a source of pleasant pastime. As a rule, both participants in this relationship do not plan a long, serious relationship.

For a lover, being in such a situation is extremely convenient. The husband is not a competitor for him, because. he does not plan to take the woman away from the family, but more or less constant intimate meetings are provided to him.

At the same time, no one limits the lover in freedom and does not make the requirements inherent in a serious relationship.

The position of the husband in such a situation plays a key role. From how he will behave - whether he will notice the betrayal or pretend that nothing is happening, whether he will try to return the favor of his wife or categorically decide to break off the relationship - the duration and outcome of such a connection will depend.

Wife, husband and mistress

For a man, a mistress is a kind of sexy woman, a relationship with which is shrouded in mystery and is based on romance and intimacy.

This relationship for a man is a real extreme. He is aware of their forbiddenness, which even more turns on and attracts to his mistress.

For many years he was faithful to one woman, and now all his free time and thoughts are given to her. A man gives his mistress gifts and sends her dozens of text messages with confessions and tender words.

But statistics show that a very small percentage of men in such a situation decide to divorce their spouses for the sake of their mistresses.

This is due to the fact that it is difficult for a man to rebuild for new relationships, because he is so used to a certain course of married life that a new family for him is a complete unknown.

An established family life, of course, is boring, but this boredom can be overcome if you have a mistress. Communication on the side brings new sensations to a man’s life, but it is important to end such relationships in time, otherwise problems with both women cannot be avoided.

Who suffers more

Rarely, one of the sides of the love triangle seeks to conclude a new marriage relationship. Secret calls and meetings are so exhausting that the termination of communication occurs quickly enough.

Perhaps the cheating party on a subconscious level wants to create a family with an "illegal" passion, but the manifestation of loyalty to the spouses makes it necessary to maintain a real family.

Lovers are made to fill the inner void. Communication on the side is one way to fill this void.

As a rule, saturation occurs very quickly, and the return to the family may not be so smooth:

In any case, the situation of a love triangle is individual and the circumstances that pushed people to change, too. But it brings more suffering than happiness for all parties.

Response Options

The development of events depends on how the parties will react to such a situation.

What is a wife to do

A woman who has convicted her husband of treason should act as follows:

  • cool down and think;
  • recognize the fact of treason and steadfastly withstand this blow;
  • decide whether she wants the return of the traitor to the family;
  • if there is a desire to break the marriage bond, think that this will not bring relief;
  • you can require the spouse to end the relationship on the side;
  • it is important to diversify the sexual life;
  • if the husband does not want to break off relations with his mistress, you can threaten with a divorce.

What to do mistress

A woman lover should be prepared that the time for meetings with her is always limited. She will not be able to call a man when she wants to, it is generally worth forgetting about serene walks in the parks, she will not be able to discuss with him how to solve this or that everyday problem.

A married man is likely to take his wife on vacation, and will not report to his mistress about the disappearance for several days or weeks.

A woman who has become a lover cannot escape the condemnation of others. Sooner or later, the relationship on the side will become known to a wide range of people, and the mistress will receive the status of a “lover of love” for her behavior.

Moreover, they condemn the stronger, the greater the real feeling of love of a single woman and an unfree man.

Unfortunately, there is no universal way to get out of a love triangle, but following some tips, you can make this process less painful.

Some decide to get a divorce, unable to withstand the torment of constant betrayal, others find it easier to come to terms with the situation, others become depressed and seek solace in alcohol ... But there is a way out of any situation.

Relying on your life experience, your desires and inner feelings, even such a juicy story as a strange love triangle can have a wise, balanced decision.

Video: When there are three in love

Reading time: 2 min

A love triangle is a type of relationship between people that implies romantic feelings for two participants in a situation for the same person (independently of each other, secretly, openly or legally, depending on the structure of society and the level of development of moral values ​​among the participants). An open and recognized triangle can be observed in countries and societies where polygamy is accepted as a device for family life (applicable to both women and women) or by agreement of all parties for which this type of relationship is acceptable. In such a situation, people do not have problems and questions about how to get out of the love triangle correctly.

Trouble begins when this kind of relationship arises in a society adhering to monogamy, and is closely related to conflict situations, since this state of affairs does not suit at least one of the parties. The course of this depends on the influence of society and the attitudes inherent in it, so a person of completely free views can, under the yoke of the opinions of others, collect his things and leave the triangle, although this situation is quite tolerable to him and somewhere beneficial.

Gender features also affect further actions: in triangles with two men, everything develops more rapidly and ends in collapse rather quickly, because in addition to the genetically inherent spirit of rivalry and struggle for territory, men are brought up from childhood with the confidence that treason cannot be forgiven. And triangles with two women are quite durable and stable, because if none of them feels disadvantaged in some way (from financial to emotional security), then no one will leave. In addition, it is customary to feel sorry for women in such a situation, which gives a passing secondary benefit, and a man who is constantly in a slight sense of guilt becomes sensitive, generous and attentive.

The reasons for love triangles are varied, as are the personal needs of each. These include the impossibility of full manifestation with one partner, the fading of feelings or the lack of something in a relationship, unconscious attitudes, resistance to find all the necessary features in one person, the desire to run away from one's own.

What to do with the love triangle?

There are several options for living in a situation with a love triangle, someone tries to leave such conditions faster, and someone deliberately thinks about creating a triple relationship, and the difference in behavior will depend on the difference in the reasons for creation.

The reasons for love triangles can be justified by the lack of brightness of one’s own life (with equal success they will raise the level of adrenaline to such a person, both a triangle and mountaineering), or they can lie in an effort to reduce excess stress and save one’s own mental strength (parting with a former partner and establishing contact with the new one - energy-consuming activities, but the distribution of one's nervous tension between two people provides double and constant support).

Only on the one hand, it seems that the triangle is beneficial only to one participant, in fact, it is a fairly stable figure of relations that closes the participants. So before blaming your partner, listen to what kind of personal traumas this situation allows you to cover up. It can be the fear of establishing a direct relationship with your partner, and then it is very convenient to transform the anxiety and horror of your own worldview into anger about the presence of a third-party connection. This may be unpreparedness for a serious and meaningful relationship, so a busy person is subconsciously chosen, not capable of building something monumental at the moment (it often happens that as soon as a person makes a choice between two partners, both leave, because now you have to build real relations, and not a demo version, for which there was no internal readiness, resources and experience). This may be an unwillingness to make choices and take responsibility, making the situation worse until the other two participants decide for themselves (the infantile position of avoidance).

The love triangle should push, first of all, to the study of one’s own mental traumas and resources, in order to make the most nutritious decision in terms of energy and mental health in the future - this may be the decision to stay and continue, realizing that in the destruction you will lose more valuable things, and there may be a decision to leave immediately, as to save one's own life and the integrity of one's manifestation.

It is important to keep in mind that with the direct and thoughtless elimination of a third party, the most common consequences are either the destruction of the tandem relationship or the appearance of a new third party. Since the very fact of the emergence of a third participant in relations happens due to the destabilization of the system of relations, and then the third person, taking over part of the energy, balances the relationship and allows them not to fall apart. Without elaboration internal conflicts such situations will return, if not by the appearance of new lovers, then by interfering in the life of relatives and friends, communicating through children - ways not to meet directly with real person, infinitely varied.

When clarifying relationships to further define actions, talk as equals, no matter what role you are in. Accusations, feelings of guilt and shame, reproaches and a call to conscience will be relevant for your neighbors who want to discuss all the details and give their “expert opinion”, and there should be an equal dialogue between you, because. the family is a system and changing one element is impossible without changing all, and everyone is involved in this situation (by their actions or inactions, impulsive reactions or concealment of feelings).

Getting out of relationships that do not bring happiness and do not have prospects, including from the triangle, even with disgusting well-being inside the situation, can be problematic and will force you to face many difficulties added from the participants in the process and actualizing your own inner demons.

But there are ways to get out of the love triangle correctly, for everyone is different. For someone who has arranged a triple relationship, it is worth deciding which of the participants he needs more. Situations can be different and in the face of the collapse of everything, it may turn out that a great new love turned out to be just a hobby, or that the old relationship no longer exists, or maybe none of the partners is needed at the most honest level. Having decided, act clearly and purposefully, remember that the triangular system strives for constancy, the partner from whom you decide to leave can become extremely charming, or can use threats, provocations and blackmail. You should show perseverance, leave once, not forgetting things, not calling from old memory, and even more so, not running from one to another. This is not the end, but rather just the beginning. Your own heartache will begin, grinding with your chosen partner on a new level will begin, overcoming trust issues and much more.

For someone who was the first permanent partner, it will be relevant to think about what was beneficial to you. It is possible that you have long wanted to end this relationship, but did not allow yourself to leave for no reason, or perhaps you like to play a dominant role, against the background of your partner's guilt. If you decide to break off this relationship, then just leave, and if you decide to destroy the triangle as a kind of existence, and the partner himself is still dear and beloved to you, then take courage, not expecting that everything will go away by itself, and report your unwillingness to continue in such spirit. Further, you are only required to wait for the choice of a partner, perhaps not in your favor, but this will be a way out of a triple relationship. The important point is to wait calmly (without wringing hands and feeding borscht) and at a distance (live somewhere else).

If you are involved in a triple relationship, then figure out your own motives. If you want serious actions from a person and a further joint future, it’s worth leaving the triangle by informing him of your unwillingness to be in such a format of relations. After that, you stop all interaction and wait for a certain time (discuss in advance, for example, that a person has two weeks to make a decision and complete things), and then, depending on this choice, either you meet him on the threshold, or mark the end of a painful relationship . Try to make a balanced decision, and not dismiss the situation, look at your partner as a person who constantly keeps you and the other person in suspense, think about whether the situation will change fundamentally or you will play a different role in the same triangular figure.

Whatever role you are in, the only thing that remains equally important for everyone is that if intolerance and a true desire to leave (and not a demonstrative manipulative performance in order to increase your significance) appear, you should act as soon as possible. Triangular systems are addictive with their stability, and with each extra day spent there, opportunities to leave the triangle will decrease, determination will begin to evaporate in the air. It will not be easy, it will be hard, it will hurt and it is not clear how to live on, but these wounds can be licked, strength restored, and life guidelines can be found if you direct your energy not to self-destruction (in an attempt to wash down grief with alcohol), but to. Continuing to be in such a relationship, you save energy at this moment, avoiding making a decision, sorting out relationships, possibly a scandal, but thereby dooming yourself to energy and spiritual devastation, since the energies of simple triple relationships take much more in the final calculation than complex ones, but open tandem.

Speaker of the Medical and Psychological Center "PsychoMed"

Often in families that are experiencing difficulties in relationships, a love triangle is formed, namely when one of the spouses has a lover. In most cases, a man becomes the initiator of the emergence of a triangle, and it is he who has a connection on the side, but there are also cases of female infidelity. Destroying such relationships can be very difficult.

Types and patterns of love triangle

Not all of these "figures" are the same. In psychology, it is customary to distinguish two types of such relationships:

  • Two people are in love with a third person and are trying to win his love. In this case, the third may not have feelings for any of them.
  • One person is in love with the second, and that, in turn, loves the third.

Both types are equally common. There are no statistical studies on this topic. There are also several models of the love triangle:

Who suffers in such a relationship

Always one or two participants love triangle suffer. Change may not last very long, but its consequences will be felt for a long period. It all depends on how emotional and susceptible a person is to betrayal.

One way or another, in a love triangle there will always be someone who will suffer from this state of affairs the most.

Ways to get out of the current situation

Participants in such relationships sometimes behave incorrectly in relation to their beloved or to their relationship on the side. Depending on which side of the "barricades" a person is on, his actions to destroy them also depend.

Wife's actions

Any woman can find herself in a love triangle. What to do in such a situation? The main thing is not to panic and follow some rules:

Not all wives know how to get out of a love triangle as a winner. Many make appointments with their husband's mistresses, arrange fights, showdowns, but this is fundamentally the wrong behavior, which will only provoke the rival and make the husband feel guilty before her.

Husband's reaction

Many husbands, having learned about the betrayal of their spouse, immediately file for divorce under the influence of emotions, because it is generally accepted that a woman is cheating because of stupidity, easy behavior and dislike for her husband. But this is not always the case. Many women are saved in the arms of another man from the harsh reality in which the husband does not pay attention to her at all, refuses sex and does not consider her beautiful, sexy. Many men believe that such relationships are quite normal, they still live like that, but as practice shows, none of the spouses of such families considers themselves a happy person.

If a man wants to save his family, then he must realize his mistakes and become more attractive to his wife than her lover. Then she will not need to go “to the left” and, most likely, relations on the side will quickly eliminate themselves.

Mistress behavior

If the wife is thinking about how to break the love triangle, then many mistresses are thinking about how to break up the lover's family and take him into her arms. But many women understand that such relationships in 99% of cases do not bode well and it is important to break them off as soon as possible. Sooner or later the secret will become clear and then avoid problems and condemnation of others.

It is difficult to get out of such a relationship, but it is possible, for this you need:

  • Break off all contact with your lover and resist the temptation to call, write or meet;
  • Find new hobbies and hobbies, try to take all your free time and thoughts;
  • If possible, get out on vacation in another country or at least a city.

It is difficult to give up a relationship with a married man, especially if there is a strong affection, but you need to understand that a lover is a secondary role, and she will never be higher than her wife.

Resolve change problem sometimes it is very difficult, for this you need to be a strong and strong-willed person. But the one who adequately withstood such a test often lives a long and happy family life with one partner in the future.