How to speed up the body's recovery after a miscarriage. How to recover after an early miscarriage Pregnancy after an early miscarriage

Pregnancy does not always end well. For various reasons, spontaneous interruption, called a miscarriage, can occur. Its likelihood is especially high in the first month. At any other time, this possibility should not be ruled out; extreme caution is required.

Unfortunately, statistics say that 10-20% of pregnancy ends in miscarriage. This is very difficult for a woman and, of course, many questions arise - how soon will pregnancy occur again after a miscarriage, and in general how everything will be further. Let's try to figure it out.

A miscarriage is the spontaneous termination of pregnancy before 22 weeks. At a later stage, this process is called premature birth, when doctors do everything possible to save the life of a baby who left the mother’s womb earlier than expected. It is considered inappropriate to carry out resuscitation measures before 22 weeks.

Types of miscarriage are divided according to the reasons for its occurrence. Possible reasons for this phenomenon include:

  1. A miscarriage can be caused by an excessive concentration of androgen (male hormone) in the blood of a pregnant woman. Excess androgen can be indicated by a large amount of hair on a woman’s body, especially on the legs, abdomen and face. Having learned about this problem, before planning a subsequent pregnancy after a miscarriage, it is important for a woman to have her blood tested for hormones. If, based on the results of the tests, everything indicates a hormonal imbalance, then Dexamethasone therapy is carried out to correct male hormones. According to medical indications, such treatment can continue during pregnancy.
  2. Infectious diseases in pregnant women. To exclude the possibility of termination for this reason, both future parents should undergo a joint examination at the conception planning stage.
  3. Tumors, for example, cervical fibroids. It creates an obstacle to the normal implantation of the egg in the uterine cavity, thereby causing early miscarriage.
  4. Pathology of the cervix can cause miscarriage in the later stages. The uterus itself and the fetus put pressure on the cervix, which can cause premature dilatation. The cause of cervical weakness is either a genetic predisposition or injury during previous births or abortions. If such a situation occurs, the doctor must place a special suture on the cervix, which will be removed almost before the birth. In especially severe cases, in order to maintain the pregnancy, a woman will have to remain in bed after applying such a suture.
  5. Diseases of the endocrine system (thyroid disease or diabetes) can lead to negative consequences. That is why expectant mothers are strongly recommended to conduct a comprehensive examination before pregnancy in order to know about all the problems present in the body. It is also very important to be observed by an endocrinologist during pregnancy.
  6. Immunological incompatibility of spouses. In such a situation, the mother’s body simply rejects the father’s cells while still in the embryo. A course of immunological therapy may be required here.
  7. Excessive physical stress on the female body, heavy lifting or injury. If this is exactly what happened, then the next pregnancy immediately after the miscarriage should begin and proceed with the complete exclusion of these factors.

If none of these reasons are confirmed, it can be said with a greater degree of probability that the cause of the abortion was some genetic abnormality in the fetus. That is, there was a kind of natural selection, in which the natural removal of a non-viable embryo took place.

In such cases, pregnancy after an early miscarriage is possible only after consultation with a geneticist and chromosomal tests to identify abnormalities. A study of the rejected embryo is also required to determine its pathologies.

Attention! If you are unable to get pregnant after a miscarriage, you should immediately consult your doctor.

Examination after miscarriage

If a miscarriage occurs, do not despair and panic. You just need to take a more careful approach to planning your next pregnancy. To do this, you will need to undergo a serious examination and identify existing problems in the body. It should be remembered that a huge number of such problems can be successfully corrected medically. For these purposes, the following examinations are carried out:

  • detection of infectious diseases in the mother;
  • blood test after a miscarriage to plan the next pregnancy;
  • on sex hormones, to determine their possible imbalance in the body;
  • Ultrasound examination of the female reproductive system. Any deviation can cause the birth to be interrupted, be it bends of the uterus, bad condition endometrium or uterine septum;
  • urine testing for the content of ketosteroids - carried out for the same purpose as a blood test;
  • determination of the functioning of the adrenal glands and thyroid gland.

Dangerous complications after miscarriage

As a rule, interruption is always accompanied by severe blood loss. It is very important that the uterine cavity is freed from both the fertilized egg and the membranes of the embryo. To prevent residual effects in the uterus, vacuum aspiration is performed, during which the uterine cavity is scraped out. This procedure may lead to undesirable consequences:

  1. heavy bleeding;
  2. infection in the uterine cavity;
  3. hormonal imbalance;
  4. remnants of the fertilized egg may still remain in the uterus.

Due to any complications, the menstrual cycle cannot improve for a long time, and this is what affects the ability to get pregnant. For everything to return to normal, the body must recover. You may need to resort to special restorative therapy. If ovulation after an early miscarriage does not occur within a year, then the help of specialists will be required.

How long after a miscarriage can you plan a pregnancy?

The timing of pregnancy ranges from 3-12 months. This depends directly on the circumstances of the miscarriage. If there were no complications, then it will come much faster. Sometimes, in the absence of any health problems, conception can occur even in the next cycle. You need to know how to prepare for pregnancy after a miscarriage.

How to properly prepare your body for pregnancy after a miscarriage

Since the ovaries begin to function immediately after a sudden interruption of labor, you can get pregnant after just one month.

It should be remembered that the recommended time for the next pregnancy is six months, since it is worth preparing for pregnancy after such a load on the body. After all, the less time passes, the higher the risk that everything will happen again. What is important here is not haste, but the awareness that the body needs time for normal recovery.

The subsequent conception must be approached thoroughly, having undergone all the necessary examinations and carefully planning everything. Pregnancy a month after a miscarriage is too little time to properly prepare.

Basic preparation measures:

  • calm down after a shock and normalize your psycho-emotional state;
  • if necessary, remove excess weight;
  • cancel appointment medicines and take a break from them;
  • eradicate bad habits;
  • take a course of folic acid and vitamin E;
  • balance your diet.

Pregnancy 3 months after miscarriage

Conception at such a time after spontaneous abortion, of course, no longer poses such a threat as in the previous case. The body has already received some respite and, if there are no complications, it will be able to successfully endure the upcoming pregnancy 3 months after the miscarriage and give birth to a healthy child.

The emotional state of a woman plays a huge role here - it is important to tune yourself to best result and get rid of fears before pregnancy.

The course of the new pregnancy

A woman who has experienced such a situation at least once automatically falls into a risk group with a high probability of developing complications during pregnancy. This is especially affected by the period of time that has passed since the termination of labor.

It often happens that the timing of termination of pregnancy coincides. At the first suspicion, a woman urgently needs to see a doctor. When half the term has passed, the risk will decrease slightly. However, there are also factors that complicate the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy. A very important one among them is the child’s lack of oxygen due to phytoplacental insufficiency.

Also, women who have experienced previous miscarriages can give birth to a baby prematurely using a cesarean section. It is very difficult to make any predictions in this case. However, thanks to qualified medical support, most pregnancies after one or even several miscarriages end in the successful birth of a healthy baby.

Planning a pregnancy and the birth of a child does not always end favorably. Sometimes a woman has to experience a miscarriage for various reasons.

Cleaning after a miscarriage is an unpleasant but necessary procedure that can rarely be avoided. Some believe that the consequences of curettage will be more disastrous than the miscarriage itself, and are afraid of curettage (removal of the upper mucous layer). However, in most cases this cannot be avoided.

The manipulation takes 15–20 minutes. A referral for a coagulogram is given in advance and general tests blood, testing for infections. Cleaning after an early miscarriage (up to 12 weeks) is carried out if, according to ultrasound, fragments of the fertilized egg are detected in the uterus.

You should not take food or liquid 8–10 hours before surgery. takes place on a gynecological chair: the genitals are disinfected with an antiseptic, the cervix is ​​dilated and the mucous layer is scraped out with a vacuum or curette. These manipulations are quite painful and are performed under anesthesia - local or general. If possible, hysteroscopy (examination with a video camera) is performed simultaneously with curettage: curettage after a miscarriage is considered the least dangerous when the doctor sees the uterine cavity.

If there is an early miscarriage, the embryo may come out entirely (it looks like a gray round bubble), then cleaning is not required. In other cases, fragments of the fetus will begin to decompose, which will give rise to the spread of pathogenic microbes and damage to the lining of the uterus. Therefore, even if a miscarriage occurs outside a medical facility, and the woman is sure that the embryo has been released completely, you should not neglect a visit to the doctor.

Cleaning after early miscarriage

Pregnancy interrupted immediately - at 5-8 weeks - is not uncommon. The doctor must find out the cause and inspect the uterus so that the infection does not penetrate the genital tract. In the early stages, spontaneous miscarriage can occur without cleaning.

If, after an unexpected termination of pregnancy, the fertilized egg is expelled entirely, there is no need to curettage the uterus. The specialist makes a decision based on the results of tests and ultrasound. Inspection of the uterus is also carried out during a frozen pregnancy.

The mucous membrane is scraped out for the purpose of prevention in case of bleeding, accumulation of blood clots, so as not to leave pieces of the fertilized egg.

If necessary, curettage of the upper layer of the mucous membrane of the uterus and its cervix is ​​performed. Samples are sent for histology to determine the cause of the miscarriage.

Consequences of cleaning after a miscarriage

Like any intervention, cleaning the uterus during a miscarriage is not always without complications. If there are problems with blood clotting, uterine bleeding may occur. To stop it, oxytocin injections are prescribed.

Abdominal pain and fever are signs of an ongoing inflammatory process. Due to spasms of the cervical canal during curettage, blood clots may accumulate in the uterus.

Circulation disorders are called. Accumulating in the uterine cavity, blood cannot escape, causing painful attacks. If you ignore this diagnosis, you may subsequently lose your uterus and the possibility of childbearing.

A complication of hematometra is blood poisoning, which can be fatal. Doctors prescribe medication and special procedures to remove accumulated blood from the uterus as therapeutic methods.

After cleansing as a result of spontaneous abortion, complications may appear in the form of endometritis, in which the mucous membrane becomes inflamed. Therefore, a course of antibiotics is necessarily prescribed, which is important to complete according to the regimen.

Vacuum cleaning of the uterus after a miscarriage is the most effective and safest method of curettage. But in some cases problems may arise:

  1. Not completely removed embryo. The doctor often has to manipulate blindly, so there may be remains of the fetus in the uterus.
  2. Mechanical damage to the cervical canal with instruments, which occurs when the uterus dilates. Possible consequences are miscarriage of the next pregnancy.
  3. Bleeding caused by damage to existing fibroids or blood vessels. In some cases, the uterus has to be removed.
  4. Infection that occurs when hygiene recommendations are not followed due to the fault of a woman or a doctor. Leads to infertility and inflammation.
  5. Weakness of the cervix. During surgery, the cervical canal may weaken and subsequently lead to miscarriages.

Do not delay going to the hospital if the following signs appear:

  • temperature;
  • intense bleeding;
  • absolute absence of discharge;
  • stomach ache.

Menstruation after curettage

The uterine cavity usually begins on time, that is, after 26–29 days. To normalize the cycle and prevent pregnancy, the doctor may prescribe birth control pills on the day of cleansing or the next.

Discharge during menstruation is usually scant because the endometrium has not yet recovered.

If heavy bleeding occurs, it can be predicted that when eliminating hyperplasia, not all of the endometrium was removed. The results of an ultrasound examination help confirm the doctor’s guess. Secondary cleaning is not prescribed, but helps reduce blood loss.

A pathology is considered to be vaginal discharge that lasts too long (10 days or more) and has an unpleasant odor, which may indicate the onset of an infectious process. An abrupt cessation of discharge, which is a sign of the formation of blood clots in the uterus, should also alert you.

Subsequent pregnancy

Gynecologists advise abstaining from at least six months. A body that has not recovered from surgery is not ready to bear a child. To prevent the development of complications, antibiotics and oral contraceptives are prescribed, medical supervision and testing are offered.

Sexual rest should continue for at least three weeks after cleaning to prevent infection and bleeding. It is necessary to limit physical activity, alcohol consumption, refuse to visit baths and saunas, and take a bath (shower only).

  • EHF (for the prevention of endometritis);
  • ultrasound (from adhesions);
  • phototherapy (for anti-inflammatory purposes).

To speed up healing, doctors use sorption treatment: a composite solution is injected into the uterine cavity. The regeneration process is monitored by taking an aspiration biopsy.

Pain in the lower abdomen indicates the presence of disturbances as a result of curettage. If mild discomfort is observed, this is normal, do not worry; in a couple of days, in the absence of other negative signs, it will pass.

Severe pain should cause alarm, the causes of which are a tear in the cervix or a puncture of an organ, an inflammatory process, or accumulation of blood. After eliminating all negative factors, the doctor allows you to plan a new pregnancy.


In order to quickly return to normal after a harmless cleaning process, you should strictly follow the doctor’s instructions and adhere to healthy image life, maintain hygiene, do not overwork, get proper rest and eat right. In this case it will be much easier.

After a miscarriage, some women become depressed. The right decision will contact a psychotherapist.

To plan a new pregnancy, you need to fully restore your health after cleansing, make sure that all indicators (urine, blood) are normal and there are no infections. The uterus, ovaries and cervix must be ready for conception and gestation. Such conditions will guarantee the birth of a healthy baby.

A miscarriage is the spontaneous interruption of embryo development in the early stages of pregnancy. Loss of pregnancy can occur in any trimester. In the early stages, the fetus dies; in the last weeks there is a chance to save the baby. If a girl has a miscarriage, then after it the body should be restored so that complications do not arise.

Possible complications after a miscarriage

Any type of termination of pregnancy leads to serious consequences. Therefore, girls are not recommended to have abortions early age. During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes restructuring. Physical changes and hormonal changes occur in it.

After the development of the fetus is interrupted, it has to change again and adapt to the normal regime. Hormonal imbalances impair the functioning of all organs, which can lead to serious pathologies.

In addition, the following complications may occur due to a miscarriage:

  • Isthmic - ecclesiastical insufficiency. Pathology appears due to severe damage to the cervix. Most often it occurs during the first abortion while carrying the first child. This is due to the fact that the cervix is ​​not elastic enough during the first pregnancy. Therefore, during an abortion, when the canals expand, she is injured. The likelihood of a cyst developing increases.
  • Low attachment of the egg. During an artificial abortion (surgical operation), the endometrium, on which the placenta is fixed, is damaged. After scraping, the tissues become thinner and adhesions form on them. It takes quite a long time for the endometrium to recover. Therefore, if the next pregnancy after a miscarriage occurs early, there is a possibility that the embryo will not be able to attach to the walls and the girl will be diagnosed with fetal diligence.
  • Rhesus conflict. If a pregnancy is terminated, the risk of Rh conflict increases, provided that the girl has a negative blood type. Due to curettage, the concentration of oxytocin in the female body increases, which causes an acute form of Rh conflict.
  • Uterine rupture. If the walls of the uterus are weak and loose due to repeated miscarriages, then the vagina may not withstand such pressure. As a result, during a new pregnancy, the uterus ruptures.

To avoid serious consequences and preserve the body, you need to take care of your health immediately after an interruption. The girl must take care of herself and take all possible measures so that the next pregnancy does not end the same way. The recovery period is quite long, but it is important to complete it fully.

How long does it take to bleed after a spontaneous abortion?

After a miscarriage, a woman begins to bleed (often dark red or brown in color). This is due to the fact that when the fetus is detached, the vessels of the uterus are damaged, which causes internal bleeding. During this period, the risk of infection of the genital and reproductive organs increases. Therefore, the girl must be very careful, using various methods of protection.

If after a miscarriage there is a delay in menstruation and severe chest pain, then the reason for this is the remainder of placenta particles in the womb. This can occur in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy. In this situation, the test performed will show a positive result, since the hCG level does not decrease due to the presence of fetal residues inside. If this complication occurs, surgical cleaning will be required.

How long does it take to bleed? It is impossible to give exact figures for how long the bleeding will last, since the body is female. Everyone needs different time for recovery and healing. According to doctors' reviews, on average, bleeding stops within 7–10 days. If heavy menstruation has not stopped after 2 weeks, then you need to consult a gynecologist. The doctor will prescribe tests, and you may need to undergo an ultrasound. During this period, hCG drops significantly, which can be dangerous to health.

Pathological bleeding is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • weakness, fatigue;
  • constant feeling of sleepiness even after waking up;
  • toxicosis;
  • migraine;
  • dizziness and fainting;
  • prostration.

All these signs with prolonged release of blood particles indicate that pathological processes have arisen in the body that require drug treatment.

Lifestyle after miscarriage

While recovering from a miscarriage, it is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle. During this period, hygiene, nutrition and sex life. In addition, it is important that the girl can recover both mentally and physically.


After an interruption, it is important to stick to following rules related to women's hygiene:

  1. Water procedures are carried out at least 2 times a day. It is advisable to take a warm shower 2-3 times a day. Taking hot baths and steaming during this period is prohibited, as this may increase bleeding due to vasodilation. It is also not recommended to swim in open reservoirs, the sea and public showers.
  2. During the first days of sick leave, a woman is allowed only sanitary pads. On days 4–5, you can use tampons. It is necessary to change gaskets 5-6 times a day, regardless of contamination.
  3. When washing the body and vagina, it is best to use sulfate-free natural detergents. It is advisable to use baby soap and shower gel. It is not recommended to use deodorants, creams and body lotions/milks, as they can cause irritation in the groin area.


Often girls complain that their lower abdomen hurts after an abortion. If the doctor does not identify gynecological complications, then the problem is in digestion. Therefore, the girl is recommended to adjust her diet. It will help improve metabolism, launch repair processes in the body, and increase muscle tone.

The girl’s menu should include the following products:

  • lean poultry meat;
  • fish;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • greenery;
  • tea, fruit drinks, juices, purified drinking water;
  • porridge;
  • durum pasta.

Sex life

Since after a premature pregnancy, a woman’s uterus and vagina are injured, the risk of infection increases. You can't have sex. If we talk about how long it takes to have sex again, the gynecologist should warn the spouses that sex is allowed only 1–2 months after a miscarriage. Over time, the walls of the uterus will recover, and it will be possible to gradually try to establish intimate life. But not before the deadline.

Physical rehabilitation

After an abortion, the girl must stay in the hospital for 2-3 days under the supervision of doctors. Restorative procedures will help heal damaged areas and quickly return the ovaries to full function.

The doctor prescribes medication, which includes:

  1. Prophylactic antibiotics (To reduce the risk of infectious complications).
  2. Anti-inflammatory antibiotics (Relieve inflammation and acute pain).
  3. Contraceptives for oral administration (Regulon).

The patient is prescribed drugs to increase progesterone levels (Duphaston) and immunoglobulin to quickly restore the body and minimize the risk of Rh conflict. To restore blood vessels, the drug Borovaya uterus is prescribed.

To eliminate the risk of complications, it is recommended:

  1. Avoid sex for at least 1 month.
  2. Do not visit places with high air temperatures (bathhouse, sauna).
  3. Do not take hot baths (it is also forbidden to steam or stay in warm water for a long time).
  4. Eliminate alcohol and cigarettes from your life.
  5. Follow all doctor's recommendations regarding medication and lifestyle.

How to restore moral health

Improving a woman’s psycho-emotional state after losing a child is much more difficult than resuming reproductive work. Depression and nervous breakdowns are possible during the rehabilitation period. It is especially difficult to cope with the loss of a child at 37 weeks of pregnancy, when dramatic changes have already occurred in the body.

To completely restore the girl’s psychological state, you will need:

  • support from loved ones;
  • psychological assistance from a qualified psychologist;
  • sedatives;
  • time to pull yourself together and come to terms with your loss.

A spontaneous miscarriage will in any case leave a wound in the soul. But a woman must be able to cope with this and prepare herself for re-fertilization and the birth of a baby.

How to prepare for a new pregnancy

After the body has been completely rehabilitated, the woman can become pregnant again. It is important to understand that ovulation after such a stressful state will occur much less frequently due to injury to the organs. Therefore, sometimes it is not possible to get pregnant for a long time.

  1. Protect a woman from stress, tension, nerves and excitement.
  2. Get rid of bad habits to both future parents.
  3. How can you take different groups of medications?
  4. Adjust your diet.
  5. Visit a gynecologist and get advice on taking vitamins.
  6. Undergo a full medical examination and determine whether there are any risks for the unborn baby.

If a woman becomes pregnant too quickly after a miscarriage, there is a possibility that it will be difficult to carry the child to term, since the body has not been fully restored.

Watch a video about how a girl coped with depression after a frozen pregnancy:


The loss of a child during pregnancy is a serious trauma for a woman, which causes a lot of harm to the female body. After a spontaneous abortion to the expectant mother I need to recover and rehabilitate properly. It is important to approach the treatment methods correctly and do not forget to consult a doctor. A woman should be prepared for the fact that the treatment will not be easy and quite lengthy.

An interrupted pregnancy always leads to the destruction of plans and hopes. But life still takes its toll, and future parents begin to think about a new attempt. Only now, in addition to the usual worries, is added the question of what to do to ensure that the woman’s health is in order after a miscarriage, and when she can get pregnant next time.

To correctly answer these questions, you need to understand the causes and consequences of what happened in order to understand what measures need to be taken before the next conception.

At the moment when the signs of pregnancy in the early stages are confirmed by medical examination data, the stage of not only physiological, but also psychological adjustment begins for the woman. And when a pregnancy is unexpectedly terminated, it does not pass without consequences. At the psychological level, a woman experiences several negative feelings at once: grief, anger, disappointment, guilt, resentment and fear that this could happen again.

At the physiological level, dramatic changes in hormonal levels occur. If you had to undergo a curettage procedure, the uterine mucosa is damaged. Sometimes quite heavy uterine bleeding may occur.

At an early stage of termination, the physiological consequences are not threatening to the health of the mother. At a later date, curettage and a control ultrasound examination after 14 days may be prescribed for preventive purposes. To eliminate the consequences, the woman will most likely be prescribed antibiotics to fight infections and contraceptives to stabilize hormonal levels.

The opinion that the consequence of a miscarriage will be the inability to get pregnant, or the repeated termination of the next pregnancy, is true only if the cause has not been identified and the woman has not received the necessary treatment. If the doctor was contacted on time and the treatment was carried out by professional, and not folk remedies, then the body will recover and be ready to get pregnant again.

When can you get pregnant after a miscarriage?

You can get pregnant quite quickly next time: the reproductive system perceives the death of the fertilized egg as the first day of the menstrual cycle and, accordingly, a new conception can occur in 14-18 days.

Did you know? Extreme desire to get pregnant again short time may indicate that the woman has not coped with what happened emotionally, is experiencing a sense of guilt towards her family and is trying to get rid of psychological discomfort through a new pregnancy. However, here you need not to rush, but give yourself time to realize and accept what happened.

The optimal break is considered to be 3-6 months. This time is necessary for the reproductive system to recover. And although the answer to the question of whether it is possible to get pregnant immediately after a miscarriage will be positive, there is no need to rush. In order for everything to go well in the future, you need to consult a doctor. He will tell you how much time should pass before planning the next conception.
Pregnancy immediately after a miscarriage, although it can happen, has a much greater risk of ending unfavorably again. So it’s better to wait a few months and start eliminating all possible negative causes.

Possible examinations

A miscarriage is essentially a spontaneous abortion. About 20% of women experience such a pathological termination of pregnancy. Moreover, most self-abortions occur at such an early stage that the woman is not even aware that embryo implantation has taken place.

Before the six-week period, the most common cause of abortion is genetic defects, that is, a fetus that is not viable in the future stops developing and dies. If this is an isolated case in history, then you should not expect any special negative consequences. Usually the next pregnancy after a miscarriage ends with the birth of a child.

Habitual miscarriage (more than two miscarriages in the early stages) or self-abortion at a later stage can be a consequence of hormonal imbalance, sexually transmitted infections, bad habits, and malformations of the female organs.

To avoid repeated pregnancy loss, it is imperative to find out the cause. Such an examination may include:

  • tests for chlamydia, herpes simplex virus, ureoplasma and other sexually transmitted infections;
  • diagnosis of diseases of the reproductive organs of both partners;
  • general blood test with determination of group, Rh factor;
  • hormonal blood test, test for the presence of antibodies to;
  • diagnosis of immune status;
  • examination for hepatitis, syphilis, HIV infection;
  • ultrasound diagnostics of the pelvic organs to detect possible malformations;
  • planning a pregnancy after a miscarriage may also include a genetic analysis of both partners for compatibility.

To find out what tests you need to undergo, contact your gynecologist. He will prescribe the necessary tests before a future pregnancy. If abnormalities are detected, you will first need to undergo treatment, and only then plan the next conception.

What to give up

In order to carry the baby to birth again, negative external factors should be excluded:

  • alcohol and nicotine, which weaken the viability of germ cells and negatively affect the formation and development of the fertilized egg;
  • those who really love coffee are advised to reduce the frequency of drinking the drink to 2 cups a day, so as not to unnecessarily tone up the body;
  • eliminate excessive physical and nervous tension;
  • Environmental factors such as gas pollution, high concentrations of chemicals, and radiation are also negative.

How to get pregnant and carry a child after a miscarriage

All preventive measures are aimed at physiological and emotional recovery. After examination and treatment, you need to take a break recommended by the doctor. During this period, take care of your own health:

  • consume your daily fluid intake (about 2 liters per day);
  • sleep at least 8 hours;
  • Organize a nutritious diet, rich in all necessary substances;
  • You will also need to take additional vitamins, and not in combination, but specific ones that the doctor selected for you. This will likely include large doses of folic acid and other substances, depending on your case;
  • Make sure you get enough physical activity and be outdoors every day;
  • During menstruation, do not use tampons, only pads.

And most importantly, don’t think endlessly about why this happened, who is to blame for it, don’t intimidate yourself with unverified information. The chances of a woman bearing a child after one such incident are very high. And even if there were several self-abortions, then with medical supervision and compliance with medical recommendations, the possibility of giving birth is quite real.

Video about when you can get pregnant again

An obstetrician-gynecologist talks about why it is important to find out the cause of what happened and how to prepare for the next pregnancy.

It is quite possible to become pregnant and give birth to a baby after a miscarriage. The main thing is to approach the next planning calmly, rely on the support of loved ones and follow all medical recommendations. Share in the comments what helped you or someone you know get through this difficult time.

Pregnancy after miscarriage with and without cleaning

When can you get pregnant after an early miscarriage? Can conception occur immediately after this tragedy, and how will the pregnancy proceed in this case? Is it likely that it will end just as badly? When can you get pregnant after a miscarriage in the most comfortable and safe way, with a high probability of success in giving birth to a healthy child on time?

Physiologically, conception can occur as early as 2 weeks after a miscarriage if the woman is ovulating. However, it is not at all a fact that it will not end almost immediately. Same as the previous one. The likelihood of such an outcome is especially high if pregnancy after a miscarriage without cleansing occurs against the background of endometritis - an inflammatory process of the uterine mucosa. This can occur as a result of infectious microorganisms entering the uterus from the vagina. Moreover, these microorganisms can penetrate further - into the fallopian tubes. Then adhesions form in them, and something even worse than a miscarriage can happen - an ectopic pregnancy. In this case, it is unlikely that it will be possible to do without surgery. And after an ectopic pregnancy, the fallopian tube, if surgeons do not remove it, will most likely become impassable - there will remain a high risk of recurrence of the situation.

So, women who did not plan a pregnancy and were not examined for sexually transmitted infections must first get tested and undergo treatment if necessary, and then become pregnant. Some doctors call the period when you can get pregnant after cleaning a miscarriage - 6 months. But for many women this period of time is too long. Usually 2-3 months are enough if there are no health problems. And during this time, it is usually recommended to take oral contraceptives; if you stop them, you can get pregnant much faster.

If endometritis is suspected, the woman is recommended to undergo a core biopsy of the endometrium. This is when, with or without local anesthesia, a sample is taken from the woman’s uterus using something like a thin syringe. The procedure is unpleasant, but tolerable. And much less traumatic than uterine curettage.

By the way, pregnancy after curettage of a miscarriage may not occur for a very long time, if the cleaning was done too thoroughly, synechiae have formed in the uterus, due to which the fertilized egg cannot attach for development. If this pathology is suspected, and its symptoms are delayed menstruation and very scanty bleeding, hysteroscopy and removal of synechiae under optical control are performed. After which pregnancy occurs quickly, provided there are no other health problems in the partners.

Is it possible to get pregnant after a miscarriage without cleaning right away, if everything is absolutely fine with your health? Doctors still recommend skipping at least one cycle. But this is optional. When spontaneous abortion occurs in the first days of the delay, many women do not even suspect that they are not having normal periods. And the cause of such early miscarriages is most often genetic damage that occurs during fertilization of an egg by sperm. The older the woman, the more often such “breakdowns” will occur. Meanwhile, it is impossible to avoid them. Therefore, it makes no sense to wait some time before the next pregnancy. This will not improve your chances of success. On the other hand, it makes sense, as a preventative measure, to start taking folic acid in a dosage higher than usual (400 mcg per day) - up to 5 mg per day, as recommended by a doctor.

You can also get pregnant quickly after a late-term miscarriage. But in this case, it is recommended to wait and be examined properly. Check for problems with blood clotting and cervical pathologies - isthmic-cervical insufficiency, the most common reasons late miscarriages. Spontaneous termination of pregnancy in the second trimester, when the child is already quite large, is a huge stress for a woman. In this case, there is no need to rush.