How to cook horseradish at home - step-by-step recipes with photos. How to cook horseradish at home - step-by-step recipes with photos You will need a small portion of sauce

Horseradish as a seasoning is used in cooking in many countries. It is used for pickling cucumbers and tomatoes, and marinating meat. But most often it is served as a seasoning for fish and meat dishes, and smoked meats. It helps to revive and give a special flavor to the dish, better digest food and neutralize fats.

In many countries, horseradish seasoning is served with cabbage, cutlets, eggs and many other dishes. We have horseradish seasoning - a must-have addition to jellied meat.

Some people buy ready-made seasoning with it in the store, but most prepare it themselves at home. Moreover, preparing it is very simple and does not take much time. Another plus of homemade horseradish, or table horseradish as it is called, is that it does not contain preservatives or other not very healthy ingredients. You will find recipes for the most popular horseradish seasonings in this article.

Basic rules for cooking horseradish

Horseradish is a perennial plant. It belongs to the cruciferous family. It is noteworthy that it was first used as medicinal plant. And only then, from the end of the 16th century, they began to use it in cooking.

The root of the plant is mainly used for food. Depending on growing conditions, it is a large, fleshy root vegetable, the length of which can reach up to 50 centimeters and from 2 to 7 centimeters in diameter.

The skin of the root is wrinkled and white-cream in color. The pulp is dense. Unpeeled horseradish has virtually no odor. But as soon as you squeeze or cut it a little, it releases a very strong and pungent odor. It owes this smell mainly to the presence of essential oil, which contains mustard oil.

For the most part, horseradish is cultivated for its root. After slicing or grating, you should immediately sprinkle it with vinegar. Otherwise, it becomes bitter and unpleasant to the taste.

Fresh horseradish root is a source of many beneficial substances, including vitamins and minerals. There is no fat in it at all. A tablespoon of grated horseradish contains only 6 calories. But at the same time, there are a lot of carbohydrates, antioxidants, minerals, vitamins, and dietary fiber. Vitamin C alone in 100 grams of horseradish is almost 40 percent of the daily requirement of an adult.

When preparing horseradish for the winter, you need to follow a few simple rules.

You need to dig up the roots of the plant for preparing seasonings and other culinary dishes in late autumn.

Choose large, succulent roots at least 30-40 centimeters long and 3 to 6 centimeters in diameter.

After collection, soak the horseradish root in cold water for 3-6 hours.

Before cooking, place the peeled root in the freezer, wrapped in film or plastic bag for at least an hour. Only after this is it recommended to twist or grate. This way it won’t “bite” too much and your eyes will water less.

Sprinkle the chopped root with lemon juice or vinegar.

Place the remaining chopped horseradish in a jar with a lid or an airtight container. Before preparing the next portion of seasoning, you just need to add a little cold boiled water.

How to make horseradish seasoning at home

Those who like to add horseradish seasoning to their dishes note that store-bought horseradish is significantly inferior in taste to homemade. There is no that sharpness and aroma. And the range of seasonings is limited. But there are many more recipes for preparing horseradish at home. Here are the most common and popular ones.

Classic horseradish seasoning

For 1.5 kilograms of horseradish:

  • Salt – 1 tablespoon
  • Sugar – 3 tablespoons
  • Juice of 1 large lemon

Prepare horseradish root, taking into account all the above recommendations.

Grind it in a meat grinder. To prevent your eyes from watering too much, put a plastic bag over the meat grinder and secure it with an elastic band.

Add salt and sugar to the resulting mass. Pour in boiling water until the consistency is like thick sour cream.

Add to prepared jars lemon juice(per 200 ml no more than 1 teaspoon). Divide the seasoning into jars and immediately close the lids tightly. There is no need to sterilize it.

Store in the refrigerator or cold basement. Shelf life 1-4 months. But over time, the seasoning loses its aroma and pungency. Therefore, it is better not to store more than a month.

This is a classic seasoning recipe. Before serving, you can add sour cream, cottage cheese, mix with mustard or other herbs and spices.

How to cook horseradish with beets

Horseradish seasoning is made with both beet roots and beet juice. When preparing for the winter, vinegar is added to it. If the seasoning is prepared on short term, you don’t need to add vinegar.

Horseradish with beets for the winter

For 200 grams of horseradish root take:

  • 100 grams of beets (root vegetable)
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 50 ml water
  • 1/2 tablespoon sugar
  • 1/2 tablespoon vinegar (9 percent)

Peel the beet root and horseradish root. Grate the beets and horseradish separately on a fine grater or grind through a meat grinder.

Mix in a bowl and add hot water, salt, sugar and pour in vinegar.

Mix well and pack into clean jars, which need to be sterilized and dried in advance. Cover with lids and store in the refrigerator or basement.

Horseradish with beet juice

For 400 grams of horseradish root:

  • 50 ml beet juice
  • Sugar

Prepare horseradish. Squeeze the juice from the beets. To do this, you can use a juicer or simply grate it on a fine grater and squeeze out the juice through cheesecloth.

Mix grated horseradish with beet juice and add salt and sugar to taste. Transfer to a jar with a lid and put in the refrigerator. The seasoning can be served after 8-12 hours.

For winter preparation, add vinegar to taste.

Horseradish with apples

This seasoning recipe is not intended for preparation for the winter.

  • 200-250 grams of sour apples
  • 100 ml meat broth
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 30 ml apple cider vinegar (6 percent)
  • Salt to taste

Grate the horseradish and apples on a fine grater. Mix and add warm meat broth (preferably chicken or beef), butter. Season to taste with salt and add vinegar. If desired, you can also add finely chopped parsley to the seasoning.

Transfer to a jar or container with a lid and place in the refrigerator for several hours. Shelf life is no more than 2-3 days.

Horseradish with sour cream

This seasoning can be made using the classic recipe by simply adding sour cream.

For 100 grams of horseradish root take:

  • 100 grams of sour cream
  • 1 dessert spoon of sugar
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt (or to taste)

Grind the horseradish root in a meat grinder. Add salt, sugar and sour cream. If the mixture turns out to be thick in consistency, dilute with cold boiled water. Stir and transfer to a jar with a lid. Place in the refrigerator for several hours.

This seasoning also does not last long. It should be consumed within 1-2 days.

Seasoning with carrots and horseradish

For preparation take:

  • 100 grams of carrots
  • 1-2 tablespoons honey
  • 1-2 teaspoons lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon grated horseradish
  • Sour cream - to taste

Mix finely grated carrots with horseradish and honey. Add lemon juice and, if you want the seasoning to be milder in taste, sour cream. Mix everything and transfer to a jar with a lid. Place in the refrigerator for several hours.

Horseradish and Orange Seasoning

For preparation take:

  • 2 oranges
  • 1 tablespoon grated horseradish
  • 3 tablespoons wine (preferably white)
  • Salt, sugar - to taste

Wash the oranges well. Grate the zest from one fruit. Squeeze out the juice. Mix orange juice with horseradish. Add the remaining ingredients and stir. Place in the refrigerator for several hours. This seasoning is good for marinating meat.

Kamchatka sauce with horseradish

For 4 tablespoons of grated horseradish:

  • 1 cup sour cream
  • 2 boiled chicken yolks
  • 3 teaspoons sugar
  • Juice of half a lemon
  • Parsley, dill, salt

Grind the yolk and mix with grated horseradish. Sprinkle with lemon juice and add sour cream and salt to taste. Mix. Let stand in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

How to cook horseradish for the winter

Many housewives make horseradish seasoning for the winter. Those who have the opportunity to store horseradish in the winter in a basement or greenhouse do not prepare much, preferring to do it in small portions. And those who don’t have this opportunity do it right away for the whole winter. Check out the most popular horseradish seasoning recipes for the winter.

Horseradish with apples

Two recipes for horseradish seasoning with apples: one with fresh apples, the second option with baked ones. Both recipes turn out equally delicious. It is advisable to take apples that are sour or sweet and sour. The seasoning with Antonovka turns out to be very aromatic.

Option 1

For 2 kilograms of fresh apples:

  • 100 grams of horseradish root
  • 100 grams of garlic
  • 1 teaspoon vinegar essence
  • Salt and sugar - to taste

Prepare all ingredients. Wash, clean and rub. Peel the apples. Divide the garlic into cloves.

Grind in a meat grinder. Garlic can be passed through a garlic press.

Combine in a large bowl. Season with salt and sugar. Pour in the vinegar essence and mix again.

Pack into small jars and cover with lids, but do not close completely.

Place in a water bath and steam for 5 minutes. Close the jar completely and put it in a cool place.

Option 2

For 4 medium apples:

  • 70-100 grams of horseradish root
  • 2-5 cloves of garlic
  • 2 teaspoons vinegar (9 percent)
  • Salt and sugar - to taste

Peel the blocks and sprinkle them with lemon juice. Bake in the microwave for 2 to 5 minutes depending on power. The apples should become soft.

Peel the horseradish and grate it on a fine grater. Mash the apples and mix with horseradish. Add the remaining ingredients and stir. Place in clean, sterile jars and close tightly with lids. Store in the basement or refrigerator.

Depending on your own taste preferences, the amount of horseradish and garlic can be varied. If you like it spicier, then add more horseradish. If it is less spicy, then reduce it.

Horseradish with carrots

This seasoning is served with meat dishes.

For 200 grams of horseradish take:

  • 200 grams of carrots
  • 1 teaspoon paprika
  • 1 teaspoon white pepper
  • 2 teaspoons salt (or to taste)
  • 150 ml water
  • 4 tablespoons vinegar (9 percent)

Prepare the horseradish and carrots and pass through a meat grinder. Place in a bowl and add boiling water. Cover with a lid and leave for 5 minutes.

Then add salt, sugar, vinegar and spices. If you don’t have white pepper, you can replace it with black pepper, but in smaller quantities. White pepper is less spicy.

Mix and place into jars. Close the lids tightly. Store in the refrigerator or basement.

Chronoder with tomatoes and garlic for the winter

Who calls this seasoning: gorloder, hrenoder, horseradish. But the essence is the same - the seasoning is not just hot, but very hot. True, each housewife, varying the main ingredients, makes it to her own taste. And the seasoning itself turns out to be universal. It is put in soup or borscht, some marinate meat or serve it with jellied meat. Here are 3 options for this seasoning. They differ only in the number of ingredients.

Option 1

In terms of sharpness, it can be classified as medium.

For 1 kilogram of tomato take:

  • 50-60 grams of horseradish
  • 1 head of garlic (7-10 cloves)
  • 3 teaspoons salt (or to taste)
  • 1 teaspoon sugar (or to taste)

Prepare all products. Pass through a meat grinder and add salt and sugar and mix well. Place into jars and close with lids. Store in the refrigerator or basement. It costs 3-4 months.

Option 2

This is a spicier seasoning. But you can reduce the amount of horseradish and garlic and, accordingly, vinegar to make the seasoning less spicy. As an option to reduce the spiciness, add 1 small apple.

For 200 grams of horseradish take:

  • 2 kilograms of tomatoes
  • 200 grams of garlic
  • 1 tablespoon salt
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 3 tablespoons vinegar (9 percent)
  • 100 grams of vegetable oil

Wash the tomatoes and grind in a meat grinder. Place in a saucepan. Add salt and sugar and boil for 20 minutes from the moment the puree boils. 5 minutes before the end of cooking, pour in vegetable oil and chopped garlic.

Grate the horseradish and add to the boiling tomato puree, pour in the vinegar. As soon as the puree boils, remove from the stove and pack hot into jars. Roll up the lids.

Option 3

For 1 kilogram of horseradish take:

  • 1 kilogram of tomato
  • 3-5 cloves of garlic
  • 2 tablespoons sugar (slightly heaped)
  • 1 tablespoon salt

Pour boiling water over the tomatoes and leave for about 5 minutes. Drain the water and fill ice water. Remove the skin.

Peel the horseradish and garlic. Grind the horseradish, tomatoes and garlic in a meat grinder. Add salt and sugar. Mix and place in clean, dry jars. Cover with lids and store in the refrigerator.

Fire with tomatoes, horseradish and chili peppers

One of the hottest seasonings with horseradish. True, the spiciness can be adjusted by the amount of hot pepper, garlic and horseradish.

For 100 grams of horseradish take:

  • About 1.5 kilograms of red tomatoes
  • 1 head of garlic
  • 1 pod hot red pepper
  • Salt - to taste

Wash the tomatoes and grind in a meat grinder. You should get 1 liter of puree. You can first peel them as in the previous recipe.

Peel the horseradish and grind it in a meat grinder or grate it on a fine grater.

Chop the pepper and twist together with horseradish or tomatoes. Some people clear it of seeds, while others twist it whole. The seeds contain the most pungency.

Chop the garlic. Mix everything in a bowl. Add salt to taste. You can add a little sugar.

Place in sterile jars and close with lids. Store in the refrigerator or basement.

Horseradish with sweet pepper

For 100 grams of horseradish take:

  • 200 grams of seeded sweet peppers
  • 2-5 cloves of garlic
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • Salt - to taste
  • Juice of one lemon

Prepare all components. Grind the horseradish and pepper in a meat grinder. Pass the garlic through a garlic press. Mix everything in a bowl, adding salt, sugar and lemon juice.

Place in clean, dry jars and close with lids. Store in a cool place.

How to make a salad with horseradish

Most of us think of horseradish as a seasoning ingredient and rarely put it in regular salads. Get to know simple recipe, which contains horseradish.

Salad with apples and horseradish

To prepare the salad take:

  • 1-2 carrots (about 200-250 grams)
  • 1 large apple (preferably green sour)
  • Horseradish – 40-50 grams

For dressing: sour cream

  • Salt, sugar - to taste

Grate the prepared horseradish and apples. Season with sour cream. Salt and add sugar to taste.

The second simple version of the salad: grate horseradish and apple in any proportion. Season with honey and serve.

Horseradish is a valuable vegetable crop that should be present, if not in the daily menu, then at least occasionally. After all, this is not only a spicy-hot crop that improves and enhances the taste of the dish, but is also very beneficial for the body.

Interesting facts about horseradish as a culinary plant

Horseradish is often used in Asian cuisine. A version of this seasoning is better known as wassabi sauce, which is served with boiled meat, fish, and vegetables. By adding vinegar or mayonnaise, you can achieve a mild or spicier taste.

Horseradish seasoning is usually served with boiled beef tongue.

Horseradish is eaten raw, grated or cut into strips.

It can be added to dishes with potatoes, beets, celery and any vegetables in general.

Young horseradish leaves can be added to vitamin-rich salads in the spring.

Horseradish seasoning is also prepared in other countries. It is very popular in many regions of Italy, Hungary, England, and Austria. In Germany it is served with sausages and egg dishes.

Finely chopped horseradish leaves are added to dog food as an anthelmintic and tonic.

Another horseradish seasoning for the winter in this video

How to make seasoning with horseradish in production, watch in this video

Alexander Gushchin

I can’t vouch for the taste, but it will be hot :)


Many housewives cannot imagine serving jellied meat without this seasoning. The sauce goes perfectly with the dish, adding aroma and a unique spicy taste. However, it can be used with other products. It is important to cook horseradish correctly, so you should study some recommendations before cooking.

Cooking horseradish

The process of creating a delicious horseradish snack will not seem difficult if you follow all the rules. Cooking horseradish at home involves different recipes. Housewives often use beets, garlic, tomatoes, and add butter, mayonnaise or sour cream. The root does not require any special preparation; you just need to scrape off the skin and chop it in a way convenient for you.

How to grate horseradish at home

There are several ways to prepare a plant for preservation, which will be a pleasure to season dishes with:

  • Grinding in a meat grinder. The roots will need to be cut into small pieces for convenience.
  • You can grate horseradish. It’s better to do this in small holes to get a paste-like mass, and be sure to go out onto a ventilated balcony or outside.
  • Grinding rhizomes in a blender is a universal and safest way. Depending on the time and speed of exposure of the device, you will receive small or large chips.

What can be made from horseradish

Horseradish preparations were popular in Rus'. There are many recipes that use this component. Our ancestors loved to do sauerkraut with horseradish, add it when making kvass, infuse alcoholic drinks with it. Each recipe does not require a large number of ingredients, but the process is labor-intensive. Modern technologies help make the work of housewives easier. The hardest stage is chopping; this can also be done in a blender. The method is fast and does not harm the eyes.

Classic recipe

  • Time: 30 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 9-10 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 30 kcal.
  • Purpose: for a snack.
  • Cuisine: Russian.

The spicy root has large supply useful substances, has a tart taste, and is in demand among consumers. Classic recipe horseradish with lemon will help the housewife make a simple, tasty and aromatic snack. The dish, supplemented with spice, becomes spicy and piquant. The spicy additive can be stored for up to 4 months, but experts recommend eating it earlier so that the spice does not lose its properties.


  • lemon juice – 20 ml;
  • water – 250 ml;
  • horseradish – 1000 g;
  • granulated sugar – 50 g;
  • salt – 1 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the roots and grind in a blender or meat grinder. In the second case, place a bag over the neck of the device to protect your eyes.
  2. Add salt and sugar to the resulting slurry and mix.
  3. The water needs to be boiled. Pour the hot liquid over the mixture, mixing again.
  4. Sterilize storage jars, place seasoning and a little lemon juice in them. Close the containers tightly with lids and place in the refrigerator.

Preparation for the winter

  • Time: 30 minutes.
  • Number of servings: for 8-10 cans.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 43 kcal.
  • Purpose: for a snack.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Adding vinegar or citric acid will help preserve horseradish for the winter. It should be preserved in sterilized jars. Store in a dark, cool place. If these conditions are met, you will receive an aromatic, spicy and tasty dressing for dishes, which can be used instead of mustard or wasabi. Homemade seasoning will add piquancy to any dish and make the taste more interesting.


  • citric acid – 20 mg;
  • rhizomes – 1 kg;
  • salt – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • granulated sugar – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • water – 250 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the roots and soak them in water for a day. Grind using a meat grinder or blender.
  2. Boil water, add salt and sugar, dissolve. Remove from heat, add citric acid.
  3. Pour finely chopped horseradish with the resulting brine, stir, cover for a few minutes.
  4. Place the resulting dish in sterile jars. Try to do this quickly so that the spice does not lose its aroma. Close tightly and store.


  • Time: 2 hours.
  • Number of servings: 10-12 servings.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 54 kcal.
  • Purpose: snack.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Many housewives are interested in how to pickle horseradish. To do this, you can use a recipe for preparing a delicious seasoning. It contains other vegetables that add healthy qualities to the snack. In addition to taste and aroma, it has a beautiful, attractive, appetizing color, so it can be safely offered to guests, served at festive table as a sauce.


  • green apples – 1 kg;
  • water – 1l;
  • salt – 4 tbsp. l.;
  • horseradish – 500 g;
  • carrots – 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar – 5 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. The roots of the seasoning must be peeled, chopped on a grater or using a blender.
  2. Peel the carrots and apples and grate them on a grater with large holes. Mix all the prepared ingredients and place them in jars so that the mass occupies 4/5 of the vessel.
  3. Start making brine. Add salt and sugar to boiling water and stir well until the crystals dissolve.
  4. Pour the liquid into the jars. Cover the preserves with lids. Store inside the basement.

With beets

  • Time: 1 hour 20 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 5-7 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 56 kcal.
  • Purpose: snack/condiment.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Horseradish products are deservedly popular on the Russian table. This seasoning is healthy, has a specific aroma, and is indispensable for meat dishes. Making sauce with beets at home will help slightly soften the taste of the main component. Preparing the dressing is not difficult. A step-by-step recipe with photos will help you make the famous additive correctly.


  • vinegar (9%) – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • granulated sugar – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • beets – 100 g;
  • horseradish – 200 g;
  • water – 0.2 l;
  • salt – 1 tsp.

Cooking method:

  1. You need to start the cooking process by creating a marinade. Mix sugar, salt and vinegar in water. Place the contents of the pan on the fire, boil and cool.
  2. Beets need to be peeled and grated on a fine grater.
  3. The roots (one large horseradish) should be peeled and chopped using a blender or grater.
  4. Mix the prepared ingredients, pour warm marinade. Place into sterile containers and close. After waiting for the preserved food to cool, store it in the refrigerator.


  • Time: 40 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 8-10 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 82 kcal.
  • Purpose: refueling.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Preparing horseradish at home for the winter is not a long process. However, you should remember that when twisting a sharp root, you will need to put a plastic bag on the meat grinder. Otherwise, the pungent aroma will burn your eyes. The recipe allows you to change the ratio of ingredients to taste. If you want a very spicy appetizer, add more of the main ingredient.


  • spicy root – 100 g;
  • mayonnaise – 400 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the roots thoroughly and clean them. Then grate the product using a grater with small holes.
  2. Pour boiling water over the resulting mass and cool.
  3. Mix the substance with mayonnaise. Divide the hot dressing into clean, dry jars and store in the refrigerator.

  • Time: 30 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 10 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 129 kcal.
  • Purpose: for a holiday.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

People have known how to prepare horseradish tincture since the time of Peter the Great. Back then, such a drink was reserved for people who worked in the cold or did heavy work. physical labor. Horseradish vodka is easy to make at home. You can infuse the drink with fresh or canned raw materials. However, the first option turns out tastier and more aromatic than when using semi-finished products.


  • lemon juice – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • vodka – 500 g;
  • sharp root – 7-10 cm;
  • grain mustard – 1 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. The plant must be peeled and grated.
  2. Inside a glass container, combine mustard, horseradish and lemon juice.
  3. Pour vodka into the resulting mixture, close and shake well several times.
  4. It will take 3 days to infuse the drink in a dark place with a warm temperature. Shake the bottle once a day.
  5. The finished infusion will need to be strained through gauze and cotton wool. Pour into a suitable bottle and seal. The strength of this alcohol is homemade recipe is 36-38 degrees. The mixture can be stored for 2-3 years, sealed in a dark place.

Dining room

  • Time: 1 hour 30 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 20 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 54 kcal.
  • Purpose: snack.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Horseradish is a common dish in Russian cuisine. This additive is usually used for meat and jellied meat. It is not difficult to prepare a seasoning from this root with a strong aroma; it can be stored for a long time. Canning does not require specific skills or a large number of ingredients. Finished product can be used to prepare sauces, for example, with sour cream or with tomatoes and garlic.


  • boiled water – 450 ml;
  • white wine vinegar – 180 ml;
  • sugar – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • horseradish root – 0.4 kg;
  • salt – 1 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. To make horseradish, soak the root in water for a couple of hours to absorb moisture. Then remove the skin with a knife and cut into small pieces to make it easier to chop.
  2. Place the mixture in a blender and chop.
  3. Pour boiling water over the resulting mass and let it brew for a few minutes. Then add vinegar, sugar, salt, stir until smooth.
  4. Homemade recipe table horseradish Transfer the oder into a clean container and store it in the refrigerator.
  5. You can use adjika with horseradish for several months, then it will begin to lose its taste and pungency, so experts do not recommend cooking a lot at once.

With vinegar

  • Time: half an hour.
  • Number of servings: 10-15 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 43 kcal.
  • Purpose: snack/condiment
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Horseradish with vinegar is a godsend for those who want to preserve the seasoning for the winter. Acidic liquids are an excellent preservative. Adding sugar and salt will help make the product taste brighter. The sauce is suitable for adding spiciness, piquancy and aroma to other dishes. The use of the spice is recommended during the cold season: recovery will be faster due to its warming and antibacterial properties.


  • horseradish – 0.5 kg;
  • boiled water – 1 tbsp.;
  • sugar – 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • vinegar (5%) – 1 tbsp.;
  • salt – 2 tsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the rhizomes, peel them, and pass through a fine grater.
  2. Add vinegar, salt, water and sugar to the resulting mass.
  3. Place the prepared horseradish into jars, close tightly, leave for 2-3 days, then put in the refrigerator.

For jellied meat

  • Time: 70 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 6 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 54 kcal.
  • Purpose: seasoning.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Horseradish sauce for jellied meat is suitable not only for this dish. You can pour it over meat and fish food, salads. It has a pleasant color, bright aroma and unusual taste. The beet juice in the composition will help soften the pungency of the chopped spicy root. The product can be stored for a long time, but after a couple of days it will begin to lose its taste and pungency, so preparing a large volume at once is not recommended.


  • horseradish – 3-4 pcs.;
  • beets – 1 pc.;
  • water – 0.2 l;
  • sugar;
  • salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the roots, rinse, put in a bag and place in the freezer for 15-20 minutes.
  2. Boil water, cool to 20-30 degrees. Add salt, sugar.
  3. Grate or grind the frozen spice in a blender.
  4. Using a special grater, grate the beets. Fill the resulting shavings with water and leave for 5-10 minutes.
  5. Separate the beet juice from the pulp, gradually add the liquid into a container with grated root until it becomes moderately thick.
  6. Pour the prepared homemade sauce over the jellied meat.

With tomatoes

  • Time: 60 minutes.
  • Number of servings: for 10-12 cans.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 55 kcal.
  • Purpose: snack.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Horseradish with tomato and garlic is one of the classic combinations for creating homemade sauce. Tomatoes dilute the spice a little and give it a runny consistency. This dressing is convenient and tasty to add to meat dishes. If you like very spicy food, you will need more roots. If you want to get a gentle, aromatic seasoning, increase the number of tomatoes.


  • tomatoes – 2000 g;
  • salt – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • horseradish – 300 g;
  • garlic – 200 g;
  • sugar – 1 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the tomatoes, dry with a paper towel, remove the stems, and cut into several pieces. Grind in a meat grinder, drain the juice into the total mass.
  2. Peel the garlic and garlic root, place in a blender, grind until finely crumbled.
  3. Place the crushed ingredients inside a deep container, add salt and granulated sugar, mix.
  4. Distribute the resulting mass into clean and dry containers. Store in the refrigerator.

To ensure you get a delicious horseradish seasoning, you should follow some recommendations:

  • You need to prepare horseradish for food in September, selecting rhizomes 3-6 cm in diameter and 30-50 cm long.
  • Do not make a lot of preparations at once, as the plant will lose its pungency in a month.
  • The whole root can be stored in the refrigerator for about six months and used as needed.
  • If you decide to pickle the spice some time after extracting it from the ground, keep it in water before preparing the seasoning. This will help restore lost moisture to the roots.
  • After processing, horseradish must be stored in sterilized jars under an airtight lid.
  • The discharge that appears when grinding horseradish root irritates the mucous membranes. To protect yourself from this phenomenon, place the product in the freezer for a couple of hours. If the recipe requires twisting it, secure a plastic bag to the neck of the meat grinder. Using a closed blender can relieve you from the pain in your eyes.
  • You can avoid damage to the skin if you wear gloves.
  • To prevent the horseradish mass from darkening after production or during the preparation of the component, you can sprinkle it with a little juice squeezed from lemon.
  • The ready-made dressing is ideal for cold appetizers, meat and fish dishes. You can use horseradish for dressing

Hello, dear readers of my blog! Tell me, how many of you are spicy lovers? My husband doesn't sit down at the table without horseradish sauce. Seasons the meat with it, and... To make it not only tasty, but also natural, I found how to cook horseradish at home. It turned out to be very simple and can be stored all winter. Moreover, there is no shortage of this plant. I myself like to add such a strong snack to sour cream sauces, borscht, potatoes, or just lightly grease a piece of bread.

So that the cooking process does not cause inconvenience, and the result pleases you, follow simple rules:

  1. The thickness of the roots should be no thinner than the index finger, otherwise the sauce will not have a pronounced strength.
  2. The roots do not need to be thoroughly washed, much less soaked, so that the sharpness is not lost.
  3. For chopping, it is better to use a meat grinder rather than a grater, it’s easier. Place a plastic bag over the outlet hole and secure it with a rubber band. This way, more essential oils will be retained in the finished sauce.

This spicy, spicy root contains many benefits for nervous system and immunity. And even when harvested for the winter, the beneficial properties of the plant are preserved. Therefore, try recipes and prepare food for the winter :)

Classic recipe for horseradish with beets in a meat grinder at home

I always have a jar of this sauce in my refrigerator. It is sharp, vigorous, and perfectly whets the appetite. It is also a good antiseptic. Our family uses it regularly, but in reasonable quantities. I add beets for taste, beautiful color and benefits.

To prepare, take:

  • 5-6 fresh horseradish roots;
  • 1 raw beets;
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 1 tsp salt;
  • 1 tbsp. vinegar.

How to do:

1. Peel the root, rinse, cut into slices and pass through a meat grinder.

Don't forget to put a plastic bag over the outlet. Secure it with a rubber band or tie a knot to keep it in place.

2. Then, cut the beets into pieces and twist them.

3. Add sugar, salt and vinegar directly into the plastic bag with the chopped root vegetables. Stir and transfer into small jars.

4. Pour boiling water over the contents of the jars, wait until they cool completely and place in the refrigerator for 12 hours.

This amount makes approximately two half-liter jars of snacks. The appetizer goes well with.

How to prepare horseradish at home for the winter without vinegar?

Fermented beet kvass allows you to do without vinegar. It makes a delicious pasty snack. It is better to store it in small jars - the more often you open them, the faster the strength will be lost.

You will need:

  • 550 g horseradish;
  • 500 ml beet kvass;
  • 2 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 1-2 tsp. salt.

How to cook:

1. Divide the roots into small pieces. Twist them in a meat grinder with a fine grid, after placing a plastic bag over the outlet hole. Remove and tie the bag immediately so as not to release the burning fumes.

2. Prepare beet kvass, salt and sugar. Place the chopped horseradish in a bowl and immediately pour kvass over it. Add salt, add sugar and mix well. Taste for salt, add another 1 tsp if necessary.

3. Divide the mixture into jars, add 1-2 tbsp on top. beet kvass.

4. For beet kvass: fill a three-liter jar ⅔ full with large pieces of beets, add 1 chopped horseradish root. Fill to the top with clean (not chlorinated) water, pour in 1 tbsp. 9% vinegar. Leave to ferment for 3 days – a light foam will appear on top. Then store in a cool place. Bon appetit!

Add a little sauce to it, the taste will be more spicy and rich.

Homemade horseradish with brine - recipe with vinegar

This option is convenient because you don’t need to measure the amount of horseradish; just dilute the twisted mass with brine to the required consistency. This time it is better to use a blender. With its help, you will make the most homogeneous sauce, no worse than store-bought. It will be pure white in color, spicy but pleasant to the taste.


  • horseradish;
  • 800 ml water;
  • 50 ml vinegar 9%;
  • 4 tsp heaped sugar;
  • 2 tsp salt.

Cooking steps with photos:

1. Peel the roots, rinse and cut into medium cubes. If you chop them too much, it will be more difficult for the blender to process them. Grind for 2-3 minutes until you get very fine crumbs that stick to the sides. Transfer the mixture into a two-liter jar.

2. Now prepare the brine. Boil the water and cool. Add vinegar and sugar to it, salt. Stir until seasonings dissolve.

3. Pour the brine in parts into the jar with the crushed root and mix.

You should have a thick paste with a little liquid on top. There is no need to use the entire filling - its quantity depends on the dryness of the rhizome.

Cheap and cheerful! Serve with . Bon appetit :)

How to make horseradish with tomatoes at home?

A very tasty sauce based on two hot ingredients - horseradish and garlic. You can't get any more piquant! To soften the harshness of the first one a little, you can pour boiling water over it. With tomato, the taste becomes more balanced, and the sauce acquires a delicate and juicy consistency.

How to quickly prepare grated table horseradish with mayonnaise at home?

And on a grater the root will be grated quickly and easily if you follow little secret described in the recipe. Mayonnaise is added for taste and to give it a creamy consistency. And not vinegar, but lemon juice is used as a preservative.

Required Products:

  • 2 small roots;
  • 200 ml boiled water;
  • 1 tbsp. dietary mayonnaise;
  • 1 tbsp. lemon juice;
  • 1 tsp Sahara;
  • 1 tsp salt.

That is, the main taste quality of horseradish, which distinguishes it from other herbs, is its pungency.

In the Slavic culinary tradition, horseradish as a seasoning began to be grown in the 8th-9th centuries. and over time takes a worthy place in Russian national cuisine. Along with horseradish in our traditions, it is used as seasonings and spices, and.

Over the long period of its existence, a sufficient number of recipes for preparing horseradish at home have accumulated, but the technology remains the same as many centuries ago.

We also offer you traditional cooking recipes.

Beneficial properties of horseradish and its effect on the human body

In addition to proteins, fats, fiber and carbohydrates, horseradish contains essential oils, a number of useful microelements, phytoncides, vitamins C, B and E, as well as folic acid. In terms of the content of substances beneficial to the body, horseradish is quite comparable to everything known, or.

The most valuable component of horseradish is the enzyme myrosin, which has unique antimicrobial properties.

Regular use of horseradish seasoning will help improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and cope with problems in the genitourinary system and skin diseases.

Horseradish is also useful for people who often suffer from colds of various types, since, like or, it contains essential oils.

Culinary features

The smell of horseradish roots is sharp, fragrant and pungent. Comparable in pungency to horseradish, horseradish has a complex flavor bouquet: initially sweetish with a transition to a burning aftertaste. The plant is actively used in Russian traditional cuisine for the preparation of pickled vegetables, sauces and seasonings.

In almost all cuisines of the world there is a plant that has the same properties as horseradish.

Horseradish serves as an excellent addition to any type of meat, fatty fish (salmon, trout, eel), various snacks, etc. Adding lemon juice and sugar to horseradish will significantly improve the taste of the seasoning, and sour cream and apples will soften the spiciness.

Horseradish is traditionally used for...

However, let's get back to cooking horseradish.

General rules for choosing the root and its preparation

If you decide to make horseradish preparation for the winter, then It’s worth considering a few general rules:

  • The optimal period for harvesting horseradish roots is considered to be late autumn, when the plant has managed to fully ripen;
  • the roots should be fleshy, from 30 to 40 cm in length and 3-6 cm in diameter;
  • Horseradish roots dry out quite quickly, so they must be stored in cold water for 3-6 hours;
  • chopped horseradish will not darken if you sprinkle it with a little lemon juice or vinegar;
  • Before chopping, place the peeled horseradish roots in the freezer. This will help get rid of irritation of the mucous membrane of the eyes when preparing horseradish seasoning;
  • Store the remaining grated horseradish roots in a cool place in an airtight container and later use them to prepare seasoning, diluting with water.

Traditional seasoning recipe

For cooking classic version what the hell do you need:

  • 1 kg horseradish roots;
  • 3 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 1 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 1 glass of boiling water;

Horseradish root can be grated, chopped with a blender or meat grinder.

If you use a meat grinder, do not forget to wrap the part from which the horseradish pulp comes out in a bag.

In this case, you will get rid of irritation in the eyes and nose. At the end of cooking, pour a glass of boiling water into the resulting mass to obtain a porridge-like consistency.

Place in sterilized small jars, adding 1-2 drops of lemon juice to each, and place in a cool place for long-term storage. This seasoning can be stored for about four months.

With tomatoes and garlic

If you want to give horseradish seasoning a special piquancy and spiciness, then all you need to do is add two ingredients.

Prepare the following foods in advance:

  • 1.5 kg chopped horseradish;
  • 4 cloves, peeled;
  • 3 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 1.5 tbsp. salt;
  • 1.5 kg.

In this recipe, all ingredients are crushed at the same time. Next, add salt and sugar to the resulting mass of garlic, horseradish and tomatoes.

Horseradish prepared in this way will be sharper if it sits in the refrigerator for about two days.

With beet juice

The beet juice will give the horseradish seasoning a beautiful pink hue, which will give the preparation originality.

For the recipe you will need:

  • 400 g horseradish roots;
  • 150-200 g of water;
  • 150 g vinegar consistency 9%;
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 1.5 tbsp. salt;
  • 2 tbsp. beet juice.

Wash the horseradish roots thoroughly under cool running water and chop.

Then season the grated horseradish poured with boiling water with salt and sugar, leaving to cool for 15 minutes.

While the horseradish is cooling, you can make freshly squeezed juice from it. Add vinegar and the resulting beet juice to the cooled horseradish mass and mix thoroughly.

With apple

Apple sauce made with horseradish will not leave lovers of meat dishes indifferent.

The list of required ingredients is as follows:

  • 100 g chopped horseradish root;
  • half a glass of meat broth;
  • 1.5 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil;
  • 1 green apple;
  • 1.5 tsp. apple cider vinegar;
  • a bunch of parsley;
  • salt and sugar to taste.

First, mix the horseradish with the chopped apple and mix thoroughly until a homogeneous consistency is formed. Next, add chopped parsley, vinegar and broth. Finally, season with olive oil and let sit for about 2-4 hours.

This seasoning has a particularly mild taste and will appeal to those who prefer non-spicy sauces. - the most frequent guests on our table and are used in different combinations, for example, when or separately they are used.

Horseradish root seasoning, prepared at home, will become an integral decoration for both everyday and holiday tables.

Horseradish preparations should be served in small gravy boats, as the pungent smell can overwhelm the taste of other dishes.

Having an original taste, horseradish seasoning goes well with various dishes and adds a touch of piquancy to them.

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Horseradish root must be prepared before the first frost. You can use it to prepare seasonings that are not inferior in pungency to adjika and mustard. They support the immune system and provide warmth during the cold season, and well emphasize the taste of meat and fish dishes. Store-bought seasoning is inferior to homemade in all properties, so it is better to prepare horseradish with your own hands.

Mandatory cooking conditions

Regardless of the recipe, you can make horseradish at home only by following certain rules, otherwise you may not only not get a tasty dressing, but also harm yourself . This is due to the properties of the plant.

To begin with, you can make horseradish seasoning in several ways to choose the one you like best.

Traditional recipe

The most common option for preparing Russian seasoning is the classic one. It turns out very tasty if you add horseradish to jellied meat and meat snacks . To prepare the dish, you need to take:

  • 1 kg horseradish;
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of salt;
  • ¼ liter of water;
  • 20 g lemon juice;
  • 50 g sugar.

Prepare the roots, pass through the finest grill of a meat grinder to obtain a homogeneous mass, similar to puree. Add sugar and salt, then add hot (but not boiling) water and stir.

For storage, it is better to use small jars up to a liter in volume. They need to be sterilized, then add seasoning and lemon juice. There should be no more than a teaspoon per 200 ml jar. The juice is needed for preservation, and it also prevents the horseradish from darkening. If you pour more of it than necessary, the seasoning will be sour.

The seasoning prepared according to this recipe can be stored for no longer than 4 months; it fully retains its taste for about 2 months, then it weakens.

With beet juice

Thanks to the addition of beets, the seasoning will become pinkish in color and is perfect for decorating a holiday table. It will be stored in the refrigerator for up to a year, outside the refrigerator - about six months, but because of the vinegar, the taste may become a little softer . To prepare you need:

  • 50 ml beet juice;
  • 0.15 l 9% vinegar;
  • 20 g sugar;
  • 0.15 liters of water;
  • 3 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 400 g of root.

The roots need to be prepared, soaked if necessary, peeled and chopped, then minced. Pour salt, sugar into the pulp and pour hot, non-boiling water. Stir.

To get juice from beets, you need to peel them and grate them or pass them through a meat grinder, then squeeze out the juice using a sieve or several layers of gauze. You will need 2-2.5 tbsp of juice. spoons, it must be mixed with vinegar, then poured into horseradish gruel. After this, the mass must be mixed well, you can use a mixer, and place it in sterile jars.

To make the dish more pungent, you can replace the juice with beet kvass, vinegar with lemon juice, and sugar with honey, maintaining the proportions. True, such a dish will not be stored for as long as one prepared according to the first option.

Horseradish seasoning

You can make a horseradish appetizer with tomatoes and garlic. It will be a wonderful addition to meat and fish dishes. If you store it in the refrigerator, the taste will last for 9 months. Have to take:

Pour over tomatoes hot water, peel and cut into 4 parts. Cut the roots into small pieces. Chop the garlic or pass through a press.

Tomatoes and horseradish need to be minced one by one, then add salt, sugar and garlic. Stir thoroughly. You can store the seasoning in non-sterile jars in the refrigerator. To add more spiciness, you can add one red pepper to the listed ingredients.

With apples and sour cream

This cooking option is well suited for serving on a holiday table. The seasoning tastes mild, but it doesn’t last long - about two days. Compound:

The preparation is very simple: pass the roots through a meat grinder, grate the apple and mix all the ingredients. You can serve or season the dish a few hours after preparation.

To make a dressing with sour cream, you need to take the ingredients in equal proportions and mix, add salt and sugar. Sour cream softens the taste of horseradish, so it won’t be too spicy. This seasoning can be stored for no longer than two days; the jar with it must be closed.

To get a traditional Russian seasoning, it needs to be made shortly before serving, and not in the form of preparations. There are a lot of recipes on how to make horseradish at home, so everyone is sure to find something suitable for themselves.