Rusty for the facade with your own hands. Types of front rusticated plaster. Stretching during plastering

The rusted facade is a beautiful cladding, which can be made by a variety of methods.

Ways to create rust

Before making rustics, walls, using a ruler and a cord, are marked for further action. Next, the rustics themselves are already mounted or made in various ways, which I will tell you about today.

Expanded polystyrene

Polystyrene foam rustics are popular not only because of the easy manufacture and installation, but also due to their versatility, since the building is simultaneously decorated and insulated.
  Polystyrene is glued to the facade using Ceresit adhesive grade CT 85 or CT 83. Apply glue to the polystyrene foam (with a fairly abundant layer) and press it onto your facade.
  Once the glue has dried, apply a reinforcing layer. For its manufacture, the same glue is used as for the installation of rusts, but a fiberglass mesh is also added to the composition.

Important! Apply glue to the wall first and then recess the net into it. Installation of rusts is advisable to start with the smallest elements!

Once all of the above has been done, apply a base primer over the foam. Its color can be either just white, or with the addition of some dye, it all depends on the overall design of the building and your wishes.
  Primed foam plastic rusts are able to serve without losing their pristine appearance for many years, then the primer will have to be updated.
  If there is a desire, decorative plaster can be applied on top of the dried primer, this will extend the life of the rust.

Linear packing

Rusts are packed on fresh plaster with an iron ruler. First, mark the lines along which the stuffing will take place, and then take an iron ruler with a thickness of 5 to 15 millimeters, depending on the picture, and with a hammer, immerse it in the still not frozen facade coating. The result is a beautiful drawing. Rusts on the facade look very beautiful, they are worth the money and time spent.

Looking at old buildings, the surface of which looks like masonry, you get the impression of monumentality and strength of these buildings. These are called "rusticated."

The term “rust” in architecture encompasses two concepts at once - a finishing stone and dividing strips between individual stones.

The history of rustics dates back to ancient Rome, where the lower parts of the walls were finished with rough stone slabs, with the aim of protecting them from the blows of carts.

Nowadays, the decoration of facades with rusts is again in fashion. Moreover, a lot of modern materials have appeared that make it possible to do this without using slabs made of natural stone, which makes it possible to significantly reduce the cost and simplify the process.

Methods of decorating the facade with rusts

There are several ways to beautifully finish the facade with rusty:

  1. The classic way. Its second name is “wet,” since its use involves use.
  2. Using expanded polystyrene for cutting quadras (imitation stones) and mounting them on the wall surface.
  3. Cutting rusts in a layer of insulation from PP.
  4. Using rust out.

It is used for rusting walls both already covered with insulation and plaster, and without decoration.

The procedure is as follows:

This method of slicing rusts can be somewhat facilitated by using an already even plastered wall. In this case, the rust is excavated in various ways. It's possible done in various ways:

  1. Pressing rust on a still-marked crude surface with a metal bar and hammer.
  2. Cutting rust directly on the wet mortar using special scrapers or saws.
  3. Cutting rusty on the dried surface of the wall.
  4. The use of a crate of bars fixed to the wall before the start of plastering. Then the cells of the crate are filled with a solution, wait until it sets and the crate is removed.

This method, guaranteeing an excellent result, however, has several disadvantages:

  • High complexity and cost of work.
  • The difficulty of finishing rusty corners and cornices.

Therefore, now they use other methods of decorating facades.

Cutting a quad from PP and fixing them to the wall.Here, polystyrene foam is both a heater and a finishing material. Work is carried out as follows:

  • The marking is made on the first layer of insulation, already covered with a stack and reinforcing composition. Kvadras are cut in advance on a horizontal surface and, according to the marking, attached to the wall on the dowel-nails, glue or foam.
  • Then the quadras are also covered with a reinforcing compound and.
  • At the last stage, they are coated.

This method is good in that it makes it easy to correct errors in the manufacture of quadra (you can replace a damaged element with another). It can be performed on any type of insulation or directly on a bare wall.

The disadvantages include the fact that you have to use rustics of a simple form (which can be cut from PP). The amount of polystyrene foam waste can be quite large.

Cutting rusts directly in the layer of reinforced insulation. In this case, the grooves are cut directly on the wall, and a special aluminum or plastic rusting profile is mounted in them. The edges of the profile are equipped with a special reinforcing mesh, which is introduced into the subsequent layer.

The advantages of this method are:

  • the possibility of using any insulation;
  • the ideal parameters of rust and the lack of the need for its finish;
  • wide selection of rust profiles;
  • a small amount of PP waste.

The disadvantages include the following:

  • the depth of the rust is small, as it is limited by the size of the profile, which reduces the decorative finish;
  • it is difficult to correct errors when cutting rusts directly on the wall;
  • quadra figures can only be rectilinear.

The combined method.It consists in preliminary cutting of rusts in the insulation panels directly on the ground, which greatly facilitates the work:

  • The surface of the facade is marked into cells corresponding to the size of the sheet.
  • Sheets with cut rustics are fixed to the wall according to the marking, observing the coincidence of rusts.
  • Reinforcing and finishing layers are applied to the insulation.

This method is good for practically non-waste use of material and is economical, since the insulation and the finishing layer are combined in one PP layer. But the need to purchase a rusting machine will require costs of 6-7 thousand rubles.

Use of stucco molding -this is an expensive way. Stucco molding itself is not cheap, and work on installing it on the facade is costly.

Currently, on the free market you can find simple stucco elements made of modified expanded polystyrene with additives of cement, and lime. Using them, you can finish the facade of the house yourself:

The advantages of this method are:

  • High quality and dimensional accuracy of stucco elements.
  • There is no need to fix them on the dowel-nails, only glue is used.
  • Molded elements are easily painted.

In addition to the high cost, the second big disadvantage of this method is the rather large weight of such a finish in comparison with PP.

The main purpose of decorating walls with rusts is to give them, and the exterior of buildings, attractiveness and resemblance to antiquity. Therefore, of course, you should not use expensive natural stone for this. Modern finishing methods and materials will make it cheaper and faster.

Rustics today most often mean a way of decorating a plastered facade with the help of imitation - in separate sections of walls - masonry of large stone with deliberately emphasized seams.

  Do it yourself with your own hands.

There are different ways to do this.

Initially, in architecture, rustication (or rustic) was understood to mean masonry or cladding of the walls of a building or their fragments with correctly folded and densely aligned quadrangular stones. The front side of these stones was left uncut or hewn very rough, and around the perimeter they were edged with a narrow smooth strip. Thanks to this finish, the building gave the impression of massiveness and strength. Both the stone and the fringing strip were designated by the word "rust". Over time, rustic, along with facing with stones, began to be called stucco fake for them, as well as stucco decoration with reproduction of rust in the form of breaking the wall into relief rectangles or strips with deliberately underlined seams. Imitation of rusts is performed at the corners and basement of the building, around window and doorways. As a rule, rusts in two- and three-layer plaster are performed by moving along the guide rails attached to the wall-rules of a special template, cutting a seam of a given configuration.

  How to make a template for rustication

The template consists of slats and a tin cutting plate attached to them, the profile of which corresponds to the configuration of the seam (rust). Typically, a profiled plate is cut out of a steel sheet 0.65-0.80 mm thick and nailed to a main rail 19 or 22 mm thick so that the edge of the plate 3 mm protrudes beyond the edge of the rail. Both edges (both wood and metal) need to be cut at an angle so that while moving the template they firmly pressed the plaster mortar.

To the lower edge of the rail with a profiled plate, a slide is nailed - a horizontal profile with a rail, which ensure the movement of the template along the guide. Often the design of the template is reinforced with bars that serve as a grip for the plasterer. If the distance between the seams-rusts is not more than 50 cm, then use a double template. In this case, you can perform two rusts at once, which greatly speeds up the work.

  Rail mounting

The guides are made of simple planed wooden battens. They are fixed (after accurate horizontal alignment) on the wall with screws or hooks driven into the seams. The guides must be coated with grease or walled so that they do not absorb water from the solution and do not warp, as well as for easy movement along the guides.

Rustic plastering using a template

  Rust trace

Before starting cutting rust, it is necessary to spray with a liquid cement mortar. Then, according to the working drawing, auxiliary lines are marked on the wall. They can be applied using a masking chop cord. Shorter lines are usually drawn in pencil on a ruler. If

rusty should be deep, then the grooves in the wall should be done during the laying of the walls, but they can also be pierced before starting plastering.

DIY rusting

After fixing the guides and performing the spray, a coating is made of cement-lime mortar.

In the place of future seams it should not be too much - a maximum of 1 cm more than the depth of the seam. Due to this, the consumption of the solution will be significantly reduced.

To make furrows, the template is moved along the guides along the wall forward with a beveled edge, firmly pressing it to the wall. Irregularities are filled with a solution and re-aligned with a template.

This process is repeated until the desired shape and smoothness of the seam is achieved. The last pass is most often performed by the uncut edge of the template. Then the guides are removed, and the place under them is filled with a solution and smoothed.

Rust finish.

The surface of rectangular blocks outlined by rust seams often has not only a different color but also a texture that differs from the texture of most of the wall. As a rule, structural plasters with a pronounced relief are used for this, which make it possible to give the blocks a resemblance to natural stone.

  Imitation rust

Traditional rustics are performed on a single or three-layer brick wall. At the same time, owners of houses with two-layer walls can imitate them using a very simple method. It is enough to glue appropriately cut foam-polystyrene boards to the wall with a minimum thickness of 2 cm. Then put a fiberglass mesh on them and apply a thin layer of plaster on top of it. To highlight these details, the color of the plaster applied to them should be different from the color of the walls.

  Another way to make rusty yourself

Usually direct profiled rustics are much simpler to execute. In the marked places, wooden slats are fixed, and then the gaps between them are filled with mortar and leveled with a rule-rail or grater. After the plaster has hardened, the slats are removed. They can not be torn abruptly - first they need to be slightly loosened. To this end, hammer the ends of the rails with a hammer, moving them along the groove. Then the slats are gently pulled and removed, immediately eliminating possible damage to the plaster.

  Rusty in your own hands: good to know

Rusts, or rusty stones (from lat. Rusticus), are rectangular or square decorative elements mounted, as a rule, at the corners of a building. They are arranged in different ways: in a checkerboard pattern, in the form of plates of the same width, etc. They give the facade massiveness, enliven its plane with a relief, a play of light and shadow. Rustes used to be made of natural stone, but now, due to the considerable weight and high cost of such decor, other solutions are more often used.

In most cases, light and economical elements are used, made of expanded polystyrene (they are cheaper, but less durable) or polyurethane (they are more expensive, but stronger and more resistant to temperature extremes), followed by painting, as well as heavier and more expensive products made of artificial (concrete) stone, etc. Such decor is presented in the form of individual rust stones (rectangular, angular) or rust panels - vertical parts in which 3-4 rusts are united.

The thickness of the elements is usually 30-50 mm. They are fixed to the plastered facade with adhesive compositions, usually on a cement basis. To increase the durability of the facade, it is recommended to protect rusty from moisture: for example, cover with water repellents, paint with water-repellent additives, etc.

Another technology involves the creation of rusts using a layer of plaster. In this case, first plaster the entire surface of the facade, be sure

providing a reinforcing mesh at the corners (glass-fiber, metal, etc.) to protect these parts of the building from deformation under the influence of load from rusts. It is necessary to wait until the mortar has completely dried out (set of strength). Since, as a rule, cement-based compositions are used for exterior decoration, this process takes at least 28 days.

Then, vertical and horizontal guides are installed along the corners - most often wooden bars with a cross section of 50 x 50 mm, attached to the wall with self-tapping screws and dowels. Using guides, cells are formed that match the pattern of the future decor. The surface of the wall is primed, after which the cells are filled with mortar, also on a cement basis, removing excess and leveling the layer of plaster. A spatula or other tool is used.

The thickness of the mortar layer is usually up to 30 mm. It takes less time to cure the composition than it takes about a week to dry the main layer of plaster. When the solution has gained strength, the guides are dismantled, closing the holes from the self-tapping screws with a repair cement composition. After that, the surface of the rusty is either putty with subsequent painting, or covered with decorative plaster.

Rusts on the facade are a type of stucco finish on the external walls of buildings. This is one of the most inexpensive and simple decorative ways to decorate a basement or facade.

In this article we will describe in detail what rusts are and how to make them.

What are they

As you can see in the video, plastered facades often imitate masonry made of bricks or stones having a roughly chipped surface or edges trimmed to some profile. Such processing of plaster is called rusty.

Their volumetric variety, when the facing has the form of pyramids or rectangular prisms, is called quadra. These types of plaster processing have been known since ancient times.

These buildings in ancient Greece and Rome. However, stucco rusty has not lost its relevance so far.

Rusts can imitate seams of various shapes, widths, depths, vertical and horizontal.

There are three main methods for their manufacture.

  1. Imitation of large stones and seams is stuffed with a steel ruler on a still crude solution.
  2. Such decor can also be created with the help of the same smooth wooden battens inserted during the plastering of the facade.
  3. Thin seams are cut out by a saw on already seized mortar.

Rustic facade can be made over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe walls of the building, or only on its base.

It does not matter which tool you will use to create rust on the plaster, you must first make horizontal and vertical surface markings.
It is produced using a laser or water level, as well as a chop cord.

Marking under wooden slats is a little more difficult to do, more on that below.

Methods of making rust

Now let's talk about the methods of creating rust on the external walls of buildings.

Steel Ruler Stuffing

For work you will need a metal rail (ruler): 8/10 mm thick, 50/100 cm long and 40/50 mm wide, as well as a hammer.

  1. Apply a ruler to the surface of the plaster, exactly along the broken line.
  2. Using the hammer blows on its edge, drown the ruler to the desired depth, as a rule it is 1 / 1.5 cm.
  3. Next, carefully remove the tool from the solution.
  4. Strip the distance between the recesses from the ruler, and then smooth it with a foam, wooden or rubber rectangle of the desired width.

For reference!
Please note that you can only fill rusty with a ruler using fresh plaster. Their width depends on the thickness of the tool.
However, if you need to make the seams wider, just flush the ruler parallel to the previous seam to the width you need.

Creating thin rusts with a saw

Thin facade rustics on already stuck plaster are sawn with a saw. The tool should have medium-long teeth.

First, attach the rule to the previously marked line and with the help of a saw carefully cut. If necessary, clean the created seams with an emery cloth.

Rusty making using wooden slats

  1. The slats should be even and preferably have a trapezoidal cross-section (so it will be easier to remove them from the solution).
    They are attached to the marked.
  2. Making rusty with your own hands, decide in advance in which layer of the slat solution to install - in the primer or topcoat.
    This will depend on the seam depth you need.
  3. Make your markings even and precise. Fresh plaster cannot be repelled with a painting cord, so markup is done by stretching the fishing line or nylon threads.
  4. Attach wooden slats with mortar or grab not with large cloves. The mounting method depends on the thickness of the plaster, as well as the weight and thickness of the rails.
  5. Hammer in between the slats tightly with mortar.
  6. After the plaster has set, remove the slats and clean them of adhering mortar.
  7. Repair loose plaster around the joints immediately with mortar. If necessary, trim the seams. The work process is shown in the published photo.

How to stretch even joints on plaster

To do this, install the guides on the wall. It can be either wooden, necessarily flat battens or plasterboard profiles.

Set the guides along the marked lines and fix them in the grasped primer with nails or plastic dowels with screws. After completion of work, they are removed along with the slats.

Spread mortar between installed rails. Then pull it out with a pre-made pattern. Place it tightly against the rails, at an angle of 90 °. The template can be made of plywood and wooden blocks.

Making quadras

  • To create a prismatic quad, after applying the primer and marking the tapes, find the extreme points of the upper prismatic rib. To do this, divide the right angles at the base of the prism in half with straight lines.
  • Drive in nails at their intersection points. They should be so high that their hats are located at the extreme points on the upper rib.
  • In the four corners of the base of the figure also hammer on a nail.
  • To create a prism frame, connect the heads of all 6 nails with wire.
  • Next, around the nails, apply a primer layer of mortar with a plaster spatula, thereby creating the body of the frame.
  • After the primer dries, apply a topcoat and treat it to the selected texture.
  • Then check the correctness of the made edges of the quad with a ruler.

As a result of the work, you will get your home, the price of which will be low, and the aesthetic qualities are very impressive.

A rusted facade is a cladding of the exterior walls of a house by creating depressions in the plaster, or by gluing elements that divide it into parts.

What is a rustic? This word is translated from Latin as "rustic", "rude", "uncouth". In architecture, this word refers to square-shaped stones tightly fitted to each other, with a smooth line around the perimeter.

This type was used in ancient Rome, thereby protecting the walls of the first floors of the building from moisture and noise, as well as from the blows of passing carts.

Despite its old origin, rusticated facades in Russia appeared only in the XVIII century, and belong to the Neo-Renaissance style.

Ways to create rust

There are several ways to create your own rusts.

  • Stuffing;
  • Sawdust;
  • Monolithic rails;
  • Pulling on a pattern;
  • Pulling stones together with rust;
  • Expanded polystyrene decorative rustics.

Rust production

Before creation, the surface of the walls is marked on stones with a cord or ruler. Let's take a separate look at each of the ways to create rust on the facade.

Expanded polystyrene rust

One of the most popular ways is the decision to create a rusty at the same time as building insulation with expanded polystyrene.

  • The facade is rusted using a special rusting machine such as Wind-Lack due to a folding plate that does not change shape when heated. The price of such a knife is about $ 400.
  • To maintain smooth contours, 2 galvanized steel templates are usually used. You can see one of the types of such a machine at work in the photo.

  • Expanded polystyrene is glued to the facade with Ceresit CT 83, CT 85 glue. To do this, apply the solution abundantly on the foam and press it to the facade. Detailed instructions for sticking are shown in the video.

  • After drying, after about three days, a base reinforcing layer is applied. To do this, a fiberglass mesh is embedded in Ceresit CT 85 glue.

Start gluing the grid with small elements, and finish on the main plane of the wall. Do not forget that first you need to apply glue to the wall, and then heat the net.

  • After this, you need to apply a quartz primer Ceresit CT 16. It can be either white or with the addition of color. A primed facade can stand in this condition for several years.
  • When the primer dries, you can finish the wall with decorative plaster. It can be of several types: mineral, bark beetle, painted with acrylic, silicone or silicate paint.

We recommend using the following types of plasters for facade decoration: acrylic Ceresit CT 60 (pebble), CT 63 (large bark beetle), CT 64 (medium), silicate-silicone CT 174 (pebble), CT 175 (bark beetle).

Padding with a ruler

  • Rusts are stuffed with a metal ruler on a fresh layer of nakryvki.
  • A 5-15 mm thick ruler is applied to the marked line. and 5-10 mm. goes deep inside with hammer blows.
  • Then the ruler is smoothly removed so as not to damage the edges.


If you want to get thin rusty, then use a saw or grinder. In this case, a cut is made on the final layer, which has already hardened.

This work is most conveniently carried out by three: one worker creates recesses, and the other two move the stop along the wall.

In this way, you can achieve different widths of rust, for this, several parallel incisions are made, and the contents between them are knocked out with a chisel. Rough lines are corrected and rubbed with trowels.

Wooden slats

With the help of slats, you can create rusty large width. To do this, greased wooden slats with a section in the form of a trapezium are driven into weak plaster. Depending on the desired depth, the slats are installed in the coating or primer of the plaster.

When the solution dries, the slats are removed and the defective places are repaired manually.

Stretching during plastering

It is also possible to stretch rustics during plastering. To do this, the surface of the hardened soil is divided into parts, the templates are hung and, at the same time as applying the final layer of plaster, the rusts are pulled.

If deep rustics are needed, the base under them is removed.

Depending on the size and shape of the rust, the work on their creation in this way is carried out by two or three. Two workers apply the coating solution, the third holds the template. First horizontal stripes are made, then vertical ones. When all the lines are ready, they are rubbed with a smooth wooden lath, which is carried out on previously created rusts.

Stucco molding

The easiest way to create rusticated facades is to use ready-made decorative elements made of polystyrene foam. They are stucco, which is mounted on liquid nails or building glue. Installation of such elements is a simple and quick task, which is almost no different from sticking stucco molding inside the building.


Rusting of facades is quite expensive, responsible and time-consuming process, but the result will look unusually beautiful and luxurious. If you want to create a house in a classic style - the best solution for you is the use of rusticated facades.

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