Join two galvanized sheets. Folded joints. Making seam seams

The choice of material for the roof takes into account the individual characteristics of the building: the angle of the roof, the solidity of the foundation, the general architectural style. When choosing a topcoat, sheet metal is often preferred. This material guarantees the durability of the roof, has a small weight and does not burden the design, processing and installation of metal are not difficult, which speeds up the whole process of roof construction. In this article we will look at how to cover the roof with iron.

What type of roofing iron to choose?

Metal sheets intended for roofing vary in appearance and coating.

  • Ferrous iron - sheets or rolled steel without coating, is resistant to mechanical stress, but does not tolerate moisture. This is a budget material, but for long-term operation it needs anti-corrosion coating.

  • Galvanized steel - has a smooth surface, is resistant to atmospheric precipitation due to the protective layer of zinc, is indispensable for the construction of a fold roof.
  • Profiled metal - galvanized iron, profiled to create stiffeners. Has a trapezoidal, wavy or rectangular section. After treatment with a polymer coating, the corrosion and aesthetic properties of the material are significantly increased.

Galvanized Steel Roof Mounting Steps

Before covering the roof with iron, it is necessary to make a strong crate, which eliminates the deflection of the metal. The basis for the iron sheets are wooden bars located 20 cm from each other, a continuous crate of edged boards or a step by step crate of boards nailed at a distance of 10 cm.

You can connect sheets with galvanized iron by lapping them, and fixing them with nails with a special gasket, or in a more laborious and reliable way - folding. To do the work you need:

  • wooden mallet;
  • scissors for metal;
  • workbench for the preparation of paintings;
  • metal hammer;
  • crest bender;
  • roulette;
  • a mixture of drying oil with minium.

Before starting work, the iron sheets are primed with a mixture of drying oil and minium to increase corrosion resistance. The dried iron is cut into pieces of the right size, metal scissors are used for this (grinder is strictly forbidden). The fold method reliably protects joints from leakage. It is a combination of adjacent sheets of iron in the castle, made by folding the edges.

For horizontal connection, recumbent folds are performed. They are made using special machines or on workbenches using a hammer and a mallet. At the edge of the sheet draw a line and bend the edge with a mallet, for this work you will need a workbench with a metal corner. On another sheet, the edge is bent several times, until a p-shaped shape is created. The junction is sealed and bent close to the metal sheet. In this way, blanks are formed for laying on the roof, they are called paintings.

On the roof, all the paintings are connected using longitudinal standing folds. In their manufacture, a comb bender is used. Before fastening, the arrangement of the sheets in a vertical plane is checked. The length of the workpiece is recommended to be equal to the size of the slope of the roof. The paintings are laid in rows from the ridge to the gutter. A steel strip is used to seal the recumbent folds.

In places requiring special strength joints, use double rebate. It is made by bending the edges of two sheets, followed by simultaneous folding. The recumbent fold is installed by bending to the cornice, this allows water to flow freely along the roof. The paintings are attached to the crate with metal clamps.

The most difficult step is the installation of a collar for the chimney tube. It is prefabricated in the shape and size of the pipe. With metal sheets, the collar is connected by standing folds.

To understand how to properly install the roof using a seam connection, it is worth watching a video with the recommendations of professionals.

Features of roofing with profiled sheet

  1. Determining the size of the corrugated sheet, choose a roof slope equal in length to the roof, if it is large, focus on the convenience of transportation.
  2. When counting the number of sheets, consider the angle of the roof, if it is within 15 to 30 degrees, an overlap of up to 20 cm will be required.
  3. Before installing the corrugated board, a waterproofing film is laid. It is attached with brackets to the rafters. On top of it are installed counter rails, providing a gap with metal sheets.
  4. The polymer coating of the profiled sheets should not be damaged during transportation and installation, this will lead to a loss of anticorrosive properties of the material.

Marks of corrugated board differ in strength and wave height. For the device of a reliable roof, two brands are used:

  • NS - for roofs with a significant slope angle, not experiencing high load;
  • N - is used for capital roofing; it is characterized by additional stiffening ribs.

Profiled sheets are easy to process, for laying and fastening you will need a hacksaw for metal and a screwdriver. Stack the sheets from the bottom up, starting from the right end. Solid profiled sheets are pre-fixed with one self-tapping screw and laid along the entire length of the roof. After leveling on the ledge, the final fastening is carried out with roofing screws, the heads of which are selected according to the color of the polymer coating. They are screwed horizontally with a screwdriver into every second wave, vertically at the distance of the step of the crate. The upper and lower parts are fixed with a self-tapping screw in each profile.

When using several rows of corrugated board, their transverse joints are connected with an overlap of at least 20 cm and coated with silicone sealant.

When working with profiled iron, care should be taken to prevent damage during movement. It is recommended to wear soft shoes or make a wooden flooring on the finished section of the roof.

A correctly installed roof made of iron will provide reliable protection for many years; this solid coating will withstand the effects of rain and wind. The shiny or colored surface of the metal sheets used will complement the architecture of the building.

A photo


This video talks about installing a metal profile with your own hands:

This video demonstrates the installation of roofing from corrugated board:

Category: Metal works

Castle connections

Seam is a type of seam formed by joining two sheets of roofing steel, pressed tightly against one another by the edges. Sheets of roofing steel, interconnected by folds, are called paintings. The picture consists of two or more sheets (blanks).

In appearance, the folded joints are divided into standing, lying and angular, and according to the degree of compaction - into simple and double.

Standing folds are used to connect metal roofing patterns. With the help of lying folds, steel sheets are combined into paintings, as well as ordinary paintings in roofing strips. Corner folds are used in the manufacture of small elements of a metal roof (umbrellas and collars of chimneys, etc.).

Simple folds are used in those parts that do not carry a significant load (for example, longitudinal seams of air ducts) and do not require a tight connection.

To perform a simple lying fold, a steel sheet (billet) is laid on a workbench, an edge bending line is applied at a distance of 8-10 mm from the sheet edge (with a metal thickness of up to 0.7 mm), the line is aligned with the edge of the workbench edge and the edge is bent with a mallet down 90 °. Then the sheet is turned upside down with a bent edge, it is heaped up to the sheet plane, leaving a gap of not more than 3 mm.

Similar actions are performed with the second sheet. They connect the sheets with folded edges into the lock and seal the seam with a mallet evenly along its entire length. After this, a rebate is performed: a metal strip (or wooden block) is placed on the top sheet along the edge of the seam

Fig. 1. Types of seam seams

Fig. 2. The sequence of preparation of a simple lying fold

and tap it with a metal hammer so that the planes of the sheets are aligned.

The sequence of operations when performing a simple lying fold is shown schematically in Fig. 380.

Fig. 3. The sequence of preparation of a double lying fold

To perform a double lying fold on both sheets, the edge is bent 90 ° and dumped onto a plane, leaving a gap of 2-3 mm. Then the sheets are turned over with a bent edge down and once again bent 90 °, and then the edges bent twice on the plane of the sheets at an angle of 45 °.

Fig. 4. The sequence of preparation of a simple corner fold

Bend the edge of the first sheet down 90 °, and then fill it up, leaving a gap of 2-3 mm. Bend the edge of the second sheet 90 °. Turn it over with the bent edge up and put the first sheet on this edge with a bend, after which the resulting standing fold is compacted and it is piled on a horizontal plane.

Having mastered the method of obtaining the simplest fold seams, we can move on to more complex folds, which in the general case are performed using the same elementary operations.

  - Lock connections

For the independent manufacture of a round pipe, thin-sheet steel, black or galvanized, with a thickness of 0.45 - 0.5 - will be required   0.55 mm . Such a material thickness is sufficient for low-pressure or domestic ventilation, exhaust from gas equipment, and a drainage system. On a sheet of metal with a sharp metal scriber, use a long ruler to draw a pattern for the future pipe. Measure the length of the workpiece equal to the length of the pipe. If the pipe will be inserted into the next one, then add the length of the "deadbolt" to the length of the workpiece (for example,   7 cm ) Calculate the width of the pattern by multiplying 3.14 by the inner diameter of the pipe in millimeters: D * 3.14 (mm). To the resulting size add allowances for the seam connection - by   14 mm   on both sides, or   28 mm   to the width of the pattern on either side. The final formula for the width of the workpiece: 3.14D + 28 (mm). Cut the drawn workpiece from the sheet with manual scissors for metal.

Cross and bend along the length of the workpiecein two directions, two edges for folding pipe connections. Width of folding edges   7 mm . These edges can also be bent oblique, for example: for one end of the future pipe   7 mm , and for its other end -   9 mm   (or 6 by 8 mm). Then the pipes will be easily and tightly inserted one into the other. The seam preparation sequence is shown in the figure:

To give the straight sheet of metal the shape of a pipe, a thick-walled metal pipe with a diameter of 80 - 100 mm is required, suspended horizontally from the board or flat wall in two “clamps” of strips of sheet steel, as shown in the following figure. Insert the pipe pattern with prepared folds into the gap between the board and the suspended pipe, and gradually bend around the mandrel pipe to the desired shape, after each bending, pushing the workpiece downwards:

Remove the workpiece from the fixture, check how correctly and evenly it is “rolled” into the pipe shape. Zip the folds into the castle. Ensure that both seam edges fit securely into each other over the entire length of the joint. Put the banded piece (or part of it) on the section of the rail extended outside the workbench. Seal the seam pipe seam with a wooden mallet. Align the material along the entire seam, that is, cut off with the edge of a hammer or mallet, creatingthus an additional lock that prevents the seam edges from sliding out of the joint. Reliability of assembly can be secured by rivet.

To straighten irregularities and possible ribbing of a home-made pipe on a rail with a wooden hammer - a mallet. Sheet steel for the manufacture of tubular products, choose one on the surface of which does not remain at all, or an imperceptible trace remains when it is bent-unbent. This property of the metal can be checked if you bend it slightly and immediately straighten the sheet in the corner of the sheet. If a roll material is used to make a pipe, or a galvanized sheet is clearly cut from the roll, then it should be cut so that the direction of bending and rolling of the workpiece coincides with the direction of the rolled roll - this will reduce the appearance of edges along the deflection lines. Optimum pipe length 1m   or 1.25 meters , which coincides with the transverse dimensions of standard tin sheets.

Mechanized manufacture of pipes from sheet steel is carried out on machines, in various ways, which are briefly described on the page.

  || Materials for leveling screeds and a protective layer of roofs | | Painting compounds and putties. Drying oils || Mineral binders. Purpose and classification || Mortar. Types and classification of solutions || General information about roofs, roofs and the organization of roofing. Roof Classification || Preparation of the bases under the roof. Surface preparation of the bases || The device of roofs from rolled materials. Preparation of roofing materials || The device of mastic roofs. Roofs made of bitumen, bitumen-polymer and polymer mastics || The installation of roofs on the panels of coatings of high factory readiness. Integrated Panels || The device of roofs from piece materials. Roofs made of small materials || Roofs made of metal. General Information || The device of a roof made of sheet steel. Preparatory work || Roof repair. Roofs from roll materials || Safety precautions

Lying and standing folds. For ordinary covering of roof slopes, cornice overhangs, wall gutters, gutters, etc., paintings are made. A painting is an element of a roof covering, in which the edges are prepared for a seam connection. Usually they are made composite of two sheets (85 ... 90%), less often single (10 ... 15%) for additives in ordinary bands. Roofing sheet steel for the preparation of paintings should have smooth planes; all angles should be straight. The roofer performs the preparation of seam joints on a workbench, the shield of which is edged on one or two sides by angular steel. Folded joints in appearance are divided into lying (Fig. 167, a ... d) and standing (Fig. 167, d ... and), and according to the degree of compaction - into single and double. (The sizes of the folds are given for sheets with a thickness of 0.45 ... 0.7 mm. For thicker sheets, the folds increase by 20%.)

Fig. 167. :
  a - edge bend for a single lying fold; b - connection of sheets with a single lying fold (dashed line shows a sheet with a hook); in - an edge bend for a double lying fold; g - connection of sheets with a double lying fold; d - bends in the sheets of edges for a single standing fold; e - joining sheets with a single standing fold (crest); g - bends in the sheets of edges for a double standing fold; h - an intermediate limb for a double standing fold; and - finished joining sheets with a double standing fold (comb)

Roofing sheets are connected to one another on the short side of the sheet with lying folds, and on the long - standing (comb). When covering the roof slopes, the standing folds are placed on the slope, and the lying folds are transverse (parallel to the roof ridge), which does not impede the flow of water from the slopes. Folded joints can be single or double.

A single lying fold (rice, 168) is performed as follows. The sheet is laid on the edge of the workbench and a scribe draws a line for folding the fold edge. So that the sheet does not move, it is held with the left hand. First, at the corners of the sheet, at risk, two lighthouse bends are made a mallet (Fig. 168, a), for which risk is combined with the edge of the corner on the workbench. Then, at risk, the entire edge is bent (Fig. 168, b), the sheet is turned over and the bent edge is dumped onto a plane (Fig. 168, c, d). In the same way, the edges are prepared on the second sheet. After that, the sheets are connected to the castle (Fig. 168, e) and compacted with a mallet. So that the fold does not move apart, it is cut with a metal bar and a hammer (Fig. 168, f).

Fig. 168. :
a - laying the sheet on a workbench with fixing its corners; b - bending of the entire edge by 90 °; in - the edge prepared for stall; g - stalling the edges on a plane; d - connection of sheets with a fold and its compaction; e - fold rebate

A double recumbent fold is formed like this. The first four operations are performed similarly to the formation of a single fold. The prepared edge is then bent downward by 90 °, the sheet is turned on a workbench with the bent edge upward and the fold is dumped onto a plane. In this way, a second sheet is prepared. The prepared edges of the sheets are pushed one into the other, after which the fold is sealed with a mallet. The fold is cut with the help of a bar and a hammer (Fig. 168, f).

A single standing seam is formed with the help of a comb and a mallet (Fig. 169, a ... .g). First, the edge of the bending scraper 1 is brought close to the high edge (Fig. 169, a) and the hammer is dumped onto the plane of the scraper (shown by the arrow). Then, having removed the comb, the mallet tilt the edge down (Fig. 169, b), with a bar 2, the comb is installed close to the reverse side of the rebate (Fig. 169, c) and compacted.

Fig. 169.
  a - edge bend; b - edge bend with a mallet; in - a seal of a fold; g is the limb of the edge of the double standing fold; d - seal double standing fold; e - stalling and compaction of the double lying fold on the plane; 1 - comb scraper; 2 - bar comb; 3 - plugs; 4 - steel strip; arrows indicate the direction of blows with a mallet

To create a double standing seam, the crests are installed on plugs 3 (Fig. 169, d). The edge of the bending scraper is brought close to the high edge and the hammer is dumped onto the plane of the scraper. Then the operation is repeated (Fig. 169, b, c). Comb 2 is installed close to the reverse side of the rebate and compact it (Fig. 169, e). The last operation is the stalling and compaction with a mallet of a double lying fold (Fig. 169, f). After that, the fold is dumped and compacted (Fig. 169, f).

The folding machine (Fig. 170, a) has two angles 1, cheeks are welded to the bent shelves of which 6. The cheeks are connected by an angle 9. A horizontal recess is made in the horizontal shelf of angle 9. A folding square 10 is attached to the vertical shelf of the square 9 by hinges 14. The horizontal shelf of the folding square is in the same plane as the base of the recess of the square 9. A bracket 11 is attached to the horizontal shelf below, which rotates the square and two stops 8.

Fig. 170. :
a - machine; b, c, d - sequence of flexible edges; 1, 4, 9, 10 - squares; 2 - spring; 3 - stock; 5 - strips; 6 - cheek; 7, 11 - staples; 8 - emphasis; 12 - thrust; 13 - pedal; 14 - hinge; 15 - sheet

On the inner sides of the cheeks 6 there is a movable device of the machine, which consists of two movable rods 3, rigidly interconnected by a pressing elbow 4. The horizontal shelf of this elbow is made in the form of a wedge, under which is attached a longitudinal strip 5 for crimping the edge of the roofing sheet in the longitudinal recess of the elbow 9. The guides for the rods are the brackets 7 and the through passages at the ends of the horizontal flange of the square 9. The movable device of the machine by means of the springs 2 is held in the upper position, at which It is convenient to insert the sheet into the machine and remove it after bending the edge. On the square 10, a pedal is mounted, consisting of a pedal strip 13 and connecting rods 12.

The machine is installed on the workbench so that the horizontal shelf of the square 9 is in the same plane with the working plane of the workbench. To bend the edges of the lying folds, the standard sheet 15 (Fig. 170, b) is placed on the workbench so that the edge of its narrow side is adjacent to the stops 8, and press the foot on the pedal. As a result of pressing, a small depression is formed on the sheet (Fig. 170, c). Using the bracket 11, a bending square is turned, which bends the edge of the sheet by a given angle (Fig. 170, d). After bending the edges, the pedal is released for the fold: in this case, the movable device rises upward under the action of the springs. At the same time, the bending square is retracted to its original position. At the moment of lifting the movable device, the sheet jumps off the pressing square. After that, the sheet is turned 180 ° and the edge for the fold on the other side of the sheet is bent in the same way. From made single paintings double are collected. Assembling is performed manually or on the VMS-61 folding machine. The assembled picture is fed to a large folding machine.

Large folding machine designed by I.P. Prokhorova (Fig. 171) works like this. The picture is laid on workbench 2 in such a way that its large side fits close to the rear stop rail 1. The other large side of the picture should be positioned so that its edge extends 20 mm from under pressure square 5. Following this, the edges of the picture are pressed against the square 4 of the workbench. Then using the levers 8 rotate the bending square 5, which bends the edge of a small standing fold. Since the bending square is shorter than the clamping one, the corners of the picture remain uncompressed. Pre-bent edges under the lying folds in this case do not wrinkle.

Fig. 171.
  1 - a persistent lath; 2 - workbench; 3 - support stand; 4, 5, 9 - clamping, bending and stationary squares; 6 - pressure screw; 7 - emphasis; 8 - lever

At the end of this operation, the bending square is returned to its original position and the pressure square rises upward, and the picture is pulled out of the machine until it stops 7. Then, the pressure square is again lowered onto the edge of the picture lying on the workbench. After that, using the levers 8, the bending square is turned away from itself along with the picture. As a result, the edge of a large standing fold, 35 mm high, will be bent in the picture.

A small folding machine is used to bend edges along the short sides of sheets. On a frame made of corners, a clamping corner with a plate welded from below is fixed. Raise and lower the pressure bracket with the pedal. A sheet of roofing steel is laid on the table of the machine and inserted with the short side under the clamping corner with the outside edge of the sheet extending to the fold bend width to the stop pins on the bending bar. By pressing the foot on the pedal, the roofer clamps the corner of the sheet edge and then rotating (for the bracket) the bending bar, bends the edge for the lying fold. After that, lowering the pedal, the roofer releases the sheet, unfolds it on the back side and puts it on the left half of the table, where the second roofer on the same machine bends the edges for the lying fold on the other side of the sheet. The sheets prepared in this way are joined in pairs into paintings. The work is performed on a roller drive machine. A roller drive machine connects two sheets of roofing steel into a picture. In the center of the machine are located one above the other two rollers mounted on two shafts. The rollers are driven by an electric motor (through the gearbox) by means of a belt drive and a gear system. The roofer hooks two sheets together with bent edges and pushes them between the rollers, which seal the lying fold. Then bend the edges for a standing fold.

Corner seam joints.   Angled seam joints are used in the performance of such roof details as caps and umbrellas for chimneys, as well as in the manufacture of household equipment. The connection of two sheets with a simple angular fold begins with the bending of the edges 90 ° in them (Fig. 172, a), and one of them is laid on the plane of the sheet (Fig. 172, b). Then, laying on a workbench a sheet with an edge bent upwards, enter it into the gap formed by the flap of the edge of another sheet (Fig. 172, c). After compaction, the resulting comb is dumped onto the plane of the first sheet (Fig. 172, d).

Fig. 172.

To connect two sheets with a combined corner fold, the edge of the sheet shifted from the workbench (Fig. 172, e) is bent 30 ° and made into a break (Fig. 172, f). Then, turning the sheet over on the workbench, the resulting fracture is dumped onto a plane (Fig. 172, g) and the edge is bent, forming a double lying bend (Fig. 172, h). After this, the double-bent sheet is mounted on a workbench (Fig. 172, and) and the previously bent edge of another sheet is brought into the slot of the second bend. In conclusion, the vertical edge at the bend of the first sheet is dumped onto the plane of the second and sealed on both sides with metal support. The width of the edges in sheets joined by corner folds depends on the thickness of the sheets. For simple angular joints, 5 ... 6 mm is enough, and for more complex corner edges, 14 ... 16 mm is taken.

The sequence of operations with the device of a double corner fold will be analyzed using the example of inserting the bottom into a rectangular box. To the bottom, according to the size of the box, draw edges to form folds and cut corners. After that, along the dashed lines in the bottom, all the edges are bent in one direction, and narrow bends are made on the edges on the edges. Then the corners of the box are incised and the bottom is inserted into it. Lapels of the bottom are dumped on the sides of the box, using a mallet and a metal stop. Next, the box is laid on a workbench and all the hanging edges of a single fold are sequentially aligned and bent 90 °. In conclusion, the edges are dumped onto the side walls of the box and sealed. In the manufacture of various roofing elements, as well as household equipment, the roofer has to connect parts not only with angular rectilinear, but also curved folds. Curved folds connect round and cut at an angle nozzles. The design of the curved fold is the same as the straight. An additional operation with a curved fold joint is flanging. It consists in the expansion of the folding edge due to the thinning of its thickness. The manufacture of curved seams is called folding.

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The folded roof is mounted from sheet or rolled metal - copper or steel with anti-corrosion and protective-decorative coating. The fastening of the elements by the double rebate method allows you to create a reliable coating that can last for decades.

Types of folded roof

Roofing made of galvanized steel sheet is popular. Traditionally, the surface of the iron roof is painted with paints for metal, which can additionally protect the material from corrosion. Today, manufacturers offer sheet and rolled galvanized steel with a color protective and decorative polymer coating on the outside and a varnish layer on the inside.

In addition to steel, the durability of which is 30 years, the materials for the manufacture of the folded roof are:

  • copper (more than 100 years of operation);
  • an alloy of zinc with titanium (about 100 years of service);
  • aluminum (up to 80 years of use).

When arranging the roof using rolled material, metal is saved and installation work is accelerated - the strips are cut exactly to the size, there is no need to join the sheets, increasing the length, a special machine is used to form the longitudinal edges of the future castle joint.

“Faltz” from German is translated as “trough”, “seam” is a designation of the principle of joining the edges of sheet metal elements. The fold may be single or double upright, single or double recumbent.

A number of manufacturers suggest using ready-made panels with profiled edges for self-locking connection of elements. In this case, the installation of the folded roof does not require a specialized tool and is carried out in an extremely short time. The disadvantage of the finished panels is their high cost.

Preparatory stage

First of all, you should choose a roofing material - the technology of laying the coating depends on this. Please note: for complex roofs and slopes with a small slope, rolled steel with galvanization and polymer coating is ideal.

The folded roof is mounted on top of the battens:

  • sparse wooden (from bars 50x50 mm, with a step of 300-400 mm along the axes of the elements);
  • sparse metal;
  • solid wood (from boards 32x100 mm or sheet wood material).

Installation instructions require the arrangement of a continuous crate if the slope angle is 7-14 degrees, because in this case the roof covering experiences high snow loads.

All wooden elements of the rafter system must be treated with a fire-protective agent before assembling the roof frame in order to reduce the risk of damage to the wood by fungus, pests or fire.

A waterproofing roll material (roofing material or a special membrane) is laid on top of the rafters, and then a counter-lattice is attached, on top of which a crate is packed. Waterproofing will prevent moisture from contacting the metal and protect the roofing material from corrosion.

The metal coating is “noisy” and transfers vibrations to building structures, from which sound-absorbing heat-insulating material in the roofing pie cannot save. Even at the design stage, you should think about attaching strips of foamed polyethylene or other material that can dampen vibration along the battens. Or use a special structural film as a waterproofing material.

The metal roof needs high-quality lightning protection, which should also be considered if you opted for a seam roof.

Tools and materials

It is advisable to entrust the installation of the folded roof to experienced Marisrub professionals, who have specialized electrical equipment at their disposal. Using exclusively hand tools significantly complicates and slows down the work.

Step-by-step instructions will help to mount the rebated coating with your own hands, but it is important to proceed with extreme care - errors during the seam will lead to roof leaks and the need to completely dismantle the coating.

If possible, rent an electric machine with which you can quickly make the necessary bends for a double standing fold at the edges of a rolled or sheet material. This is a reliable tight connection, it is by this principle that banks with fish and other canned goods are rolled up. In other cases, you will have to use a mechanical device to bend the edges of the sheet under a single fold.

A special electric tool or pliers with special frames forming the edge of the sheet metal can be used for seaming.

Also required:

  • measuring tool (tape measure, plumb line, building level);
  • electric drill;
  • cutting shears (electric) and metal (manual);
  • rubber mallet, wooden;
  • screwdriver;
  • pliers;
  • hammer;
  • fasteners (nails, self-tapping screws with sealing gasket, clamps made of roofing material cut into strips).

To ensure the reliability of a single standing seam made with a mechanical tool, it is allowed to use building silicone sealant.

In addition to sheet or rolled metal, elements of the roofing system made of the same material will be required - end strips, ridge, valley, wall profile.

Coating technology

After installation of the battens, waterproofing and counter battens, the boards forming the base of the valleys are beaten, and the cornice and ridge boards are installed. The corresponding metal elements of the roof are nailed to the wooden base of the valleys. A metal cornice is fixed on the ledge - a drip made of the same material as the roofing. The fastening places of the elements will subsequently be covered with a roofing.

On the ground or in the attic, paintings should be prepared - the elements from which the flooring will be created. Rolled roofing steel already has the required width, and roofing sheets with a width of 125 cm should be cut in half to increase the rigidity of the finished structure.

Cut the kleimers in advance - strips of 10x2 cm, they will help to fix the paintings without breaking through the roofing iron, so that the coating is completely tight.

Rolled steel is cut into strips along the length of the ramp with a margin of several centimeters, which will go into bending over the edge of the drip and bend along the ridge. Then the workpieces are driven through the machine, bending the edges under a double standing seam. After that, the paintings can be raised to the roof and mounted using a hand tool or an electric machine.

The technology for arranging a sheet metal roofing is somewhat more complicated. For roofing sheets cut to length (62.5 cm wide), it is necessary to bend the edges under a single standing fold. This can be done with roof pincers, but it is easier to use a special fixture, welded from a steel corner with a shelf of 75 mm.

An edge 2.5 cm wide bends at a right angle on one side of the sheet, and 4.5 cm on the second. To get a picture that corresponds to the length of the ramp with a small margin, you will have to join the elements. For this:

  • on the upper edge of one sheet with a mallet, curved edges are unbent;
  • a line with an indent of 2 cm is drawn;
  • with the help of roofing ticks, the two-centimeter edge along the edge of the sheet is completely bent outward;
  • a similar operation is carried out with the lower edge of the second sheet, but the edge is bent inward;
  • sheets are joined so that one edge goes into another;
  • the joint is sealed with a mallet;
  • with side tongs and a mallet, the side edges rise back for a seam connection.

As a result, we get a completely tight and reliable joint. All work on bending metal with a mallet should be done using a wooden lining, so as not to damage the material.

At the end of the ramp you need to nail the kleimers - they will help to fix the first sheet correctly. Side kleimers are fastened with the painted side out.

The first picture is installed on the edge of the ramp, close to the klyimer-limiters with a high bent edge. The top end of the flooring element should extend beyond the ridge by 3-3.5 cm. By bending the side clamps, you will firmly fix the sheet on the rafters. The lower part of the picture should protrude beyond the dropper by 1.5-2 cm.

Bend the tip of the kleimer by 1.5-2 cm, getting a blank in the form of the letter G, and nail it to the rafters so that the long part is located close to the raised small edge of the laid picture. Kleimers are mounted in increments of 50-60 cm along a continuous crate or on each sparse element.

Kleimers should be fastened with the painted side inward - at the end of the installation of the paintings, the free ends of the kleimers are bent outward and they must merge with the roof in color.

Fold the ends of the kleimers through the edge of the roofing element, press the fold with pliers. Lay the following picture close to the fixed sheet - a high edge should be near the low edge. Make sure that the kleimers do not fall on the transverse joints of the sheets, otherwise you will get too many layers of metal in the lock.

By this principle, the flooring is mounted on the whole ramp. Please note: to make the roof look neat, pre-calculate the width of the outer sheets - you may need to make them narrower than standard ones.

At the next stage, it is necessary to bend the edges of the sheets beyond the edge of the drip, using a mallet. At the same time, cut the raised ends protruding beyond the cornice with scissors for metal.

Then proceed to the formation of single rebate locks. To do this, use a special hand tool or roofing ticks, mallet. It is necessary to bend the high edge through the low edge of the adjacent sheet, and then bend out the free end of the clamp.

On the cornice, vertically protruding edges of the fold, bend it with a pair of pliers or pincers - this will additionally fix the fold and prevent one sheet from sliding relative to the other.

In the ridge part, the edges of sheets with a cut lock are bent onto a horizontal beam, ventilation windows are created and, with the help of self-tapping screws with elastic gaskets, the ridge element is attached. At the edges of the ramps, end strips are installed.

The technology for arranging the seam roof is quite complicated, but step-by-step instructions will help to understand the features of installing such a coating.
